October 2024

Come to the Cross
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Charles Lawson 10/20/2024 (SM) Matthew 27:26-36 The Scripture Provides a Historical Account of the Crucifixion of Christ. The Cross Represents Where Jesus Christ Died For Our Sins 2000 Years Ago, and it is the Only Place Where God and Man Meet. There is No Gospel of Christ Without the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ Had to Lay His Life Down and Once He Did -- It Was Finished. All We Have to Do is Meet Jesus There.

Invaluable [But Enigmatic] Passages
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Charles Lawson 10/20/2024 (SN) I Timothy 6:14-16 Delving into Scriptures That Speak of: the Times, the Life, the Light of God.
Being A Force For Good
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Cody Shew 10/13/2024 (SM) Romans 12:21 Spiritual or Physical Battle, the Evil You Are Fighting Will Attempt to Overcome You. You Must First Tackle the Evil Inside of You Before You Attack the Evil Outwardly. So, in Order to Be a Force For Good, We Must Be a Force Of Good; and to That End We Must: (1) Be Saved, (2) Be Submissive to the Will of God, (3) Have a Renewed Mind in Christ, (4) Know Your Place in the Body of Christ, (5) Have Good Character.
Sharing the Supernatural
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Cody Shew 10/13/2024 (SN) Exodus 17:14-16 God Instructs Moses to Write Down For a Memorial in a Book and Rehearse it in the Ears of Joshua After the Israelites Defeats Amalek; But, Why? Because There is Power in God's People Sharing the Supernatural. Amalek Serves as a Type of the Flesh and Our First Battle and Daily Battle is With the Flesh. When God Does the Miraculous in Our Life We Ought to Share it to Build the Faith of the Next Generation.
Whom Am I Talking To?
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Charles Lawson 10/06/2024 (SM) Isaiah 61:1-3
Luke 4:16-19
The Word of God is Alive and Speaks Personally to Every Listener. While on Earth, the Lord Jesus Christ Was Here to Minister. Now It Is the Holy Spirit That Ministers the Word to Everyone Individually. Collective Terms Include the New Age Gurus, the Very Religious, Sinners/Hypocrites, Solomon Syndrome, Divorced, Raised in Church/Rebuffed by Church. In Any Case and in Every Case, Turn Your Eyes, Heart, and Mind on the Lord Jesus Christ For He Is Salvation Personified, and He Will Bring You Through.
God's Building Program
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Tony Hopkins 10/06/2024 (SN) Isaiah 28:9-10

(1) The Lord Starts Small: "Small Inputs Over Time Produce Lasting Results."
(2) Slowly Grows: "Precept Must Be Upon Precept, Precept Upon Precept." [At Your Own Pace]
(3) Steady: "Go to the Ant..." "Do It Before Winter." "Always Abounding..." "Redeem the Time."
.......Finally, This Process Produces a Balanced Christian. Starting Point--Get in the Book.

September 2024

Let God Help Us
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Charles Lawson 09/29/2024 (SM) Deuteronomy 8:1 People Can't Be Helped if They Won't Allow It, and Sometimes It's a Sense of Entitlement that Prevents Them from Accepting Help. To Be a Helper, One Must Be Patient. (God Is Infinitely Patient) To Be Helped, One Must Be Humble; Must Confront His Need. If in Sin, One Must, by the Grace of God, Repent and Turn from It.
A Father's Love For His Son
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Barry McDonald 09/29/2024 (SN) Genesis 22:1-8 Man is What He Loves and What He Fears. Abraham Was Not Tempted of God To Sin; but, God Did Try Him When He Instructed Him To Sacrifice His Only Son, Isaac. Abraham Serves as a Type of God the Father and Isaac, a Type of the Son. God the Father Loves God the Son More Than Anything, Yet He Gave Him to Die For Our Sins [Because It Was Necessary]. If We Love Not the Son Then We Don't Know the Father; For We Must Go Through the Son to Get to the Father.
The Breath of God
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Charles Lawson 09/22/2024 (SM) II Peter 1:9 God Breathed into Man the Breath of Life, Therefore the Soul of Man is the Breath of God. God Can Take Your Life, Broken or Not, and Put You on a Path that Takes You Higher and Higher. When the Holy Spirit Comes Upon You, it will Change Your Life Completely.

No Evening Service

The Abyss
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Charles Lawson 09/15/2024 (SM) Luke 16:19 God Forewarns Us About Life After Death: The Rich Man in Hell Bids Lazarus in Abraham's Bosom to Give Him Drop of Water, but That is Impossible for the Great Gulf Dividing Them. Jesus Both Ascended into Heaven (by His Own Righteousness) and Descended into the Heart of the Earth. The Bottomless Pit is from Where All Manner of Demons and Evil Spirits Will Be Released Upon the Earth. You Don't Want to Go There. Be Careful for Your Soul.
Prophet Unto the Nations
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Roger Lee 09/15/2024 (SN) Jeremiah 2:1-3 From His Mother's Womb, God Set Jeremiah Apart and Ordained Him To Be a Prophet to the Nation of Israel: Jeremiah Preached Before, During, and After Babylonian Captivity. God Put His Word in Jeremiah's Mouth, but Israel Turned From it and Would Not Hear -- Going So Far as King Jehoiakim Cutting and Burning the Word of God. Even Today, If We Turn From the Word of God, Then God Must Send Judgement.
What's Available To Us
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Dr. Roc Collins 09/08/2024 (SM) Romans 10:9 Everything We Need is Available to Us. Salvation is Available [Available to Whosoever Shall Call Upon the Name of the Lord], Shamelessness is Available [Don't Allow Satan to Wear You Down With Shame], and the Sustaining Work of Christ is Available [All You Have to Do is Call on Jesus' Name.]
Inheriting the Kingdom of God
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Dr. Roc Collins 09/08/2024 (SN) I Corinthians 6:9-11 The Scripture Provides a Detailed List of Habitual Actions That Are Considered Unrighteous, and Unrighteousness Does Not Belong in the Kingdom of God. But "Such Were Some of [Us]"! Neither is All the Righteousness We Can Muster On Our Own Sufficient! Christ's Righteousness Must be Imparted Unto Us: For Christ Alone is Righteous.
The Cross - The Reason Jesus Came into the World
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Charles Lawson 09/01/2024 (SM) I Corinthians 1:17 The Cross Reveals Sin, the Holiness of God, the Son and the Son's Heart, and the Giver (God the Father). The Cross is a Sterling Example of How God Can Turn a Curse into a Blessing. Whenever You Find Yourself Mad or at Odds with God, Go to Him Openly, Earnestly--for a Meeting of Minds with Him and a Restoration of Fellowship.
Being Blessed, Staying Blessed, and Keeping Clear His Path for Us
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Lucas Hickman 09/01/2024 (SN) Psalm 119:1-12 We Want to Revel in the Immediate Joy and Weightlessness of the New Birth, O, Yes! Then...We Tend to Take Back, Big and Little Chunks at a Time: Heed [or Not] the Word of God; Give Him [or Don't] Your Whole Heart; Be Teachable [Continually] of the Lord's Statues.

August 2024

The Second Coming of David and the Giant of Kandahar
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Charles Lawson 08/25/2024 (SM) Acts 2:29

The Times of the Gentiles Is Coming to Fulfillment and Will End Abruptly, Completely When the Rock Smites It on Its Feet. So the Last Days Are Imminent With A Host of Other Signs Such as Seen in Noah's Time: Just Before the World Was Judged Then.

The Eyes of Man Compared to the Eyes of the Lord
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Barry McDonald 08/25/2024 (SN) I Samuel 16:1-7

The World's Outlook of Us Is Limited to Our Flesh and the Eyes of Men Will Condemn Us. The Eyes of the Lord Look Past the Flesh and Searches the Heart Where He Knows What No One Else Can -- Such As Our Ways, Motives, Secrets, Burdens, and Sorrows. How Man Sees Versus How the Lord Sees in the Instances of Rahab and Ruth and Two Young Women at a Truck Stop.

The Birth of Death
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Charles Lawson 08/18/2024 (SM) John 1:1-14 The Book of John Is Written That the Hearers Might Believe and, Believing, Come to Be Born to Eternal Life in Christ Jesus. "Flesh Does Not Beget Life; It Takes Spirit to Beget Life." All the Sin in the World Comes from People: Within the Heart of Every Man -- "...When Lust Hath Conceived, it Bringeth Forth Sin: and Sin, When It is Finished, Bringeth Forth Death." [James 1:15]
Bless Them That Bless Thee, Or...
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Charles Lawson 08/18/2024 (SN) Genesis 13:14 A List of Historical Markers ["As America Has Done to Israel" by Chaplain John P McTernan] in Answer to the Question, Does God Really Still Work in the Lives of Men and in Nations?
A Book in the Midst of Books
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Charles Lawson 08/11/2024 (SM) Matthew 5:1 We Live In a Time When People Would Create a Religion Composite of God-Country-and a Fifth of Liquor, and Some Would Anticipate "Singularity"-When Human and AI Is Merged To Defy Death. In Scripture, Following the Synoptic Gospels Which Preach the Kingdom of Heaven, the Gospel of John Centers on the New Birth, and for This Reason John Stands As a Succinct Presentation of the Gospel of the Grace of God.
Christian Rights
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Tony Hopkins 08/11/2024 (SN)

Romans 13:11-14
I Thessalonians 4:1-12

Contrasting Different Churches In the New Testament and Where They Were In Their Walk: Paul Lays Out Guidelines For Christians That We Must Be (1) Right with God (2) Right with the Brethren and (3) Right with the World. What We Set Our Focus On Will Be the Path We Take -- the Devil Wants To Get Us Out of the Race.
Previously Unheard Phenomena
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Charles Lawson 08/04/2024 (SM) Daniel 9:24 The Seventy Weeks Prophesied in Daniel Tell of the Birth of Christ and of the Last Days. Besides Wars and Weather, Here's a Short List of Heretofore Unknown Inventions or Discoveries Including: AI, Genetic Manipulation, CERN, and Dark Matter. The Solution and Personal Solace for All of These Alarming Threats and Events Is Still--As It Ever Was--Salvation by Faith in Jesus Christ.
A Time Is Coming When Children Will Cry No More
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Barry McDonald 08/04/2024 (SN) Jeremiah 9:17-21 Jeremiah Is Dealing With the Babylonian Captivity [Historically] and Looking Ahead to Jacob's Sorrow During the Last Half of the Seven Years of Tribulation [Prophetically]. Current Events Are Not Armageddon nor the Start of the Tribulation But They Are Precursor of Things to Come. Now, More Than Ever, We Must Stay Vigilant as the New Age Church Will Attempt to Disarm You Spiritually.

July 2024

Revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ
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Charles Lawson 07/28/24 (SM) Revelation 1:1-3 The Word of God Fits In the Progress of Time and Time Has No Control Over God. The Book of Revelation Reveals to Us About the Lord Jesus Christ: He Lives, He's the Savior, He Rules, He Is the Judge, He Is the Almighty, He Is the Lamb of God, He Is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and He Is the Alpha and Omega. Here On Earth Is Where God Deals with the Issue of Sin and the Restoration of Mankind.
I Ain't Comin Down
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Casey Kerr 07/28/24 (SN) Nehemiah 6:1 Christians Today Have Become Comfortable with Church and Are Complacent Because of the Convenience of What They Have Allowed Their Church to Be. Christians Need to Realize the Importance of Going to Church, the Importance of the Calling of Jesus Christ, the Importance of Family and the Younger Generation, and They Need to Have Confidence in the Finished Work at Calvary.
Satan Hates You
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Charles Lawson 07/21/2024 (SM) II Timothy 2:26 Satan Uses Wiles (Accusations Against God, Accusations Against You, and Accusations Against Your Brothers and Sisters) to Sift People - He Wants to Tear You Down and Destroy You. We Alone Are No Match for Satan; It Is Only by the Blood of the Lamb That Satan Can Be Overcome.
Why This Is The Best Life
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Lucas Hickman 07/21/2024 (SN)

John 3:8
Titus 2:1-15

Coming Off the Spiritual High of Camp Where Eight Teens Accepted Christ Jesus as Their Personal Saviour, These Young People [Well, All Young People] Need to Hear and to See from Parents and from Aged Men and from Aged Women of the Church: Sound Doctrine and True Worship and the Value of Faithfulness and of Consistency--All Reasons Why a Godly Life Is the Best Life.
One More Time
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Heath Williams 07/14/2024 II Kings 2:1-6 Before Elisha Succeeded Elijah, Elijah Revisited Several Places Significant to Him, and As Elisha Insisted Upon Going Along the Significance of Those Places Was Passed Along to Him. So In Our Church, Older Saints Should Live the Faith and Bring Along the Next Generation.
Serving on Credit
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Heath Williams 07/14/2024 Luke 5:1-11 The Account of Jesus Meeting and Calling Simon Peter (and James and John); and Step by Step (Merciful Invitation, Mysterious Involvement, Miraculous Investment) the Lord Brought Him on Board. Insight and Encouragement to All of Us Who Would Serve Him.
Christ And...
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Charles Lawson 07/07/2024 (SM) Matthew 23:24-33 Looking At Christ's Attitude Towards Religion, Politics, Demons, Angels, Scripture, Prophecy, His Father, and Sinners. The Lord Jesus Christ Came Not to Condemn but to Save -- He Is a Friend of Sinners. Be Wary of Teachings from Churches That Attack the Deity of Christ or Refer to Jesus as Being Born-Again.
The Only Way to Ever Know Him
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Barry McDonald 07/07/2024 (SN) Luke 24:13-35 Jesus, Joining the Two on Their Way to Emmaus: Walked with Them, Spoke to Them, Preached to Them; Abode and Tarried... But Only When He Broke Bread in Their Home Were Their Eyes Opened and, Then, They Knew Him.

June 2024

What Was Abraham's Problem?
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Charles Lawson 06/30/2024 (SM) Genesis 20:1-4 Abraham Tells a Half-Truth About Sarah Being His Sister, But What Is Not Told Is What Was Abraham's Problem That He Should Lie. God Blesses Through Abraham as He Obeyed By Faith, and We Must Be Dependent on the Lord to Live for Him. The Holy Ghost Intercedes for a Crying Soul and Only God Can Search the Heart to See and to Tell the Inducement for Our Sin.
Ingrained Beliefs
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Charles Lawson 06/30/2024 (SN) Hebrews 13:17 The Bible Is the Word of God; the Godhead Is the Father, the Word--Express Image, and the Holy Spirit. All of Mankind Has Sinned; Man Brought Sin into the World. Hell Is Real--Fear Him Who Can Send You to Hell. Salvation Is a Person--the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ. There Is a Resurrection: a Resurrection of the Saved and a Resurrection of the Lost. And, Jesus Is Coming Again, as He Has Promised.
Anointed to Preach the Gospel to the Poor
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Charles Lawson 06/23/2024 (SM) Luke 4:14 Anointed: Set Apart for God. Preach: Give Out the Word of God. The Poor: Broken by Life, Needful; Hurt, Don't Feel God Anymore; Stag net, in a Doldrum, Not Going Anywhere.
Where Sin Abounds, Grace Does Much More Abound
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Tony Hopkins 06/23/2024 (SN) II Samuel 10:18-19
II Samuel 11:1-17
David Withdraws From the Battle to Sin By Coveting Another Man's Wife and Then Tries to Cover Up His Sin. We Must Be Careful What We Set Before Our Eyes. Uriah Demonstrated More Character Than David When He Adamantly Refused to Rest When the Troops Were Engaged in War. In the End, David Receives Correction From God With Humility and Repentance. How We Receive God's Chastisement Is What Truly Matters.
Trusting God's Character
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Charles Lawson 06/16/2024 (SM) Job 42:1 Every One of Job's Friends Offered an Answer That Was in No Wise True. When God Himself Finally Spoke, He Asserted His Sovereignty and Redirected the Absolute Answers to Be Only of His Prerogative. Whatever We Might Try to Do for God for Ourselves Is Futile. The Only Valid Course of Action in Existence Is to Seize Upon the Righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Cast At Jesus' Feet
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Lucas Hickman 06/16/2024 (SN) Luke 10:38-42 Martha Got Caught Up While Serving in the Wrong Spirit But Mary Wanted to Be At Jesus' Feet. Throughout Scripture Getting to the Feet of Jesus Provides Answers and An Intimate Worship with God. At the Feet of Jesus You Can Get Protection, Provision, and Power. As Jesus Washed the Feet of His Disciples; We Must Humble Ourselves and [Spiritually] Wash Each Other's Feet.
The Solid Foundation
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Randy Bane 06/09/2024 (SM) Matthew 7:20-29 Whatever We Build Upon Will Be Tested. Unrighteousness and Self Righteousness Are Sinking Sand Foundations. The Righteousness of Jesus Christ Is the Only Solid Foundation There Is.
God's Survival Guide (for These Last Day)
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Randy Bane 06/09/2024 (SN) Jude 1:20 In the Book of Jude ("The Vestibule of the Revelation"), the Word of God First Blasts Wicked People Prominent inThose Last Days; and Then, Having Put Them in Their Proper Perspective, He Pulls the Beloved Believers Close to Him and Lists Critical Topics Essential to Enable the Faithful to Endure the Days and Also to Minister Life to Others.
Two Books Before You
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Barry McDonald 06/02/2024 (SM) Genesis 5:1-5
Matthew 1:1
We Are All Born Into the Book of the First Man, Adam, Which Is Associated with: Sin, Death, and a Coffin. The Book of the Last Adam, the Lord Jesus Christ, Is Associated with Life Everlasting. Water Put Us In the First Book but Blood Takes Us Out and Once We Are Washed In the Blood Nothing Can Remove Us From the Lord's Book. Hope Begins the Day We Pass From Death to Life.
Getting What Paul Got
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Roger Lee 06/02/2024 (SN) Romans 1:14-16 Paul Was A Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, Called to be An Apostle and Separated Unto the Gospel of Christ. Injurious to the Church, Yet He Was Sent to Those Same People to Show the Light That He Has Seen on the Road to Damascus. Boldly He Declares That He Was Not Ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, but That It is the Power of God Unto Salvation.

May 2024

America's Only Hope Is In the Lord
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Greg Lentz 05/26/2024 (SM) II Chronicles 7:14 A Call to Awake the House of God in America Because America Has Forgotten God. Therefore, There Is Disease in the Land; We Face Demise; and We Have Before Us a Decision - to Humble Ourselves, to Repent, and to Return to God. It Is the Responsibility of All of Us to Keep the Light on in the House of God--to Share His Gospel and to See Souls Saved.
The Touch That Stops Jesus
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Greg Lentz 05/26/2024 (SN) Mark 5:1-43 Miracle Succeeds Upon Miracle in Three Incurable Cases in the Book of Mark When Jesus Encounters and Heals the Man of Gadarenas. Then, Jesus Is Touched by the Woman Diseased for Twelve Years While He's on His Way to Cure the Daughter of Jarius, a Ruler of the Synagogue.
The Adversary and Our Advocate
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Charles Lawson

05/19/2024 (SM)

II Corinthians 11:3  
Those of the Empty Seats
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Barry McDonald

05/19/2024 (SN)

I Samuel 20:18-24 When Seats Go Empty, Folks Are Missed--by Those Who Knew Them and Were Connected, Inner-man to Inner-man. "How Pleasant It Is for Brethren to Dwell Together in Unity!"
Another Marvel of Motherhood
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Charles Lawson

05/12/2024 (SM)

II Timothy 1:5 Recognizing a Number of Mothers from Scripture Emphasizes the Impact a Mother Has on Her Children. Conversely, We Learn Now of Microchimerism--Where the Child Can Leave Behind DNA and Have a Long Term Effect on Their Mother. It Is Even as David Said, "I Will Praise Thee; for I Am Fearfully and Wonderfully Made...."
Your Biggest Problem
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Tony Hopkins 05/12/2024 (SN) Genesis 22:1-5 If We Are Not in Fellowship With the Lord Then We Are Walking in Darkness. We Must Crucify Our Flesh Because It Does as It Pleases, and We Will Have to Face Accountability at the Judgement Seat of Christ. A Look at a Couple of Old Testament Kings: King Saul and King Uzziah. Both of These Men Are a Type of the Flesh and Had an Issue with Pride.
No Greater Security
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Charles Lawson 05/05/2024 (SM) I Corinthians 10:12 Our Salvation Is Dependent Upon the Word of God, and God's Word Is an Extension of His Character. That's Why We Can Have Eternal Security. Meanwhile, God Gives Us Instruction, As Any Father Does; But If We Mess Up, He Gives Us Forgiveness for Christ's Sake. Yet, In His Model Prayer, He Says That If We Forgive Those Who Wrong Us - Then He Will Forgive Us of Our Wrongs to Him. Unforgiveness Toward Another Can Swell into Hatred (Display of the Old Man) and Must Be Handled on A Spiritual Level.
Minister the Spirit
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Charles Lawson 05/05/2024 (SN) II Corinthians 3:6 Contrast The Letter of the Law Which Killeth (Is Rigid and at Times Unreasonable) With the Spirit Which Giveth Life (Is Sensitive and Receptive). Examples of This Are: When Jesus Christ Spoke to His Disciples of Eating His Flesh and Drinking His Blood and When Jesus and Some Disciples Were Censured By the Priest For Breaking the Sabbath Because They Gathered Themselves Grain to Eat.

April 2024

A Time Before Time
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Charles Lawson 04/28/2024 (SM) John 1:1-13 Seeing From the Beginning How God Is the Ultimate Sacrifice in John. We Also See the Holiness of God and the Light of God. In the Light of God We See An Altar, We See An Laver, and We See A Table of Shewbread. God's Holiness Is Something We Cannot Bear and Being in the Presence of God Almighty Is A Privilege. When We Become A New Creature in Christ, It Gives Us Access to the Presence of God. Christ Is Our Veil, Our Intercessor; Christ Takes Us Straight to the Father.
A Broken Promise
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Roger Lee 04/28/2024 (SN) Judges 2:16 The Older Generation Dies Out and the Younger Generation Coming Behind Transgresses the Covenant Their Fathers Had with God and Corrupts Themselves, Following Other Gods. Individuals, Too, Brake Promises To God, Such As Samson (the Last Judge) Did by Breaking the Nazarite Vow. On a Generational and Individual Level, We Risk the Same Faithlessness of Those.
Mercy For the Haunted
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Charles Lawson 04/21/2024 (SM) Matthew 3:1 The Callings of Both John the Baptist and Elias the Prophet Are Compared, down to the Final Consequences of Their Targets' Choices. Other Examples of Wicked Offenders Suffering Protracted Bedevilment Including Saul of Tarsus and the Blessed Remedy Which Paul Proclaims.
Worship Is Through Faith
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Lucas Hickman 04/21/2024 (SN) John 4:23-24 Examples of the Premise That True Worship Is Through Faith (NOT Through Feelings) Are Presented: Abraham with Isaac atop the Mountain; Job upon Learning All His Children Are Dead; and the Woman of Canaan Who Worshiped Jesus Before Christ Granted Healing of Her Daughter. Then, Why We Should Be (Like the Samaritan Woman) Willing to Worship Our Lord God--Eagerly and Openly. Bottom Line: God Is Worthy.
The Woke Jesus
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Charles Lawson 04/14/2024 (SM) 2 Corinthians 11:1-4 Just Another Tinge of the Gnostic Taint on Jesus of Old, the Woke Jesus--Touted to the Masses--Is All About How You Feel or What's Going On with You. They Are Heedless of the Weight of Sin and Its Natural Power Over Us Which Jesus Has Checked and Paid For for Us. Rather, They Would Divert the Message of Jesus Totally into Moral and Social Issues: Appealing Strongly to Temporal, Soulish Things and Utterly Neglecting the Spiritual. The Eternal. Matters of the Utmost Importance.
The Revelations of The Apostle Paul
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Charles Lawson 04/14/2024 (SN) Matthew 5:1 Writer of Half of the Books of the New Testament: the Apostle Paul Received of God and Developed for the Church's Edification Several New Dispensational Changes and Certain Significant Mysteries--Such As the Mystery of Godliness and the Mystery of Iniquity; the Mystery of the Church, of the Indwelling Christ, and of the Rapture.
Christ Takes Our Sin Away
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Charles Lawson 04/07/2024 (SM) Genesis 2:7 Great Men -- Adam, Abraham, Moses -- Could Only Go So Far, and They Only Show Us So Far. Adam Was Created King of the Kingdom of Heaven and of the Kingdom of God (the Earth), but When He Sinned, He Lost the Image of God. Abraham Was a Pilgrim, Never Finding That City. Moses Got to the Top of the Mountain of Nebo, but He Could Not Enter the Promise Land. In All Cases Christ Alone Completely Fulfills the Plan of God.
Dark Side of Humanity
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Barry McDonald 04/07/2024 (SN) Matthew 27:36 Human Nature Feeds On Dark Things and When Given the Opportunity Our Dark Side Will Come Out. Deception Can Provoke Curiosity and While Curiosity Can Sometimes Be a Good Thing, (If We Seek Out the Matter and Search the Scriptures), Curiosity Seekers Are Usually Not Looking For the Truth. Sitting and Watching Doesn't Change a Person, But Being Called Out and Contacting the Blood and Cross Most Definitely Can.

March 2024

What If All We Had Was...
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Charles Lawson 03/31/2024 (SM) Matthew 1:18 What If All We Had of Jesus Was: His Birth; His Life; His Trial and Rejection; His Curse; or His Death On the Cross. Where Would the Power Lie? If Any of These Were Truly the End of the Story, Then the Story Would Have Ended. Our Lord Jesus Christ Took the Curse of the Earth and Tasted Death for All Men As Our Sacrifice. When He Arose From the Dead; He Sealed His Sinless, Perfect Life and Triumphed Over Death.
>> No Service tonight <<   03/31/2024 (SN)  
Jesus, The Friend of Sinners
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Charles Lawson 03/24/2024 (SM) Genesis 4:7 By One Man, Adam, Sin Entered the World. By One Man, Jesus Christ, Hope Came into the World. Sin Bringeth Forth Death, Sin is Deceitful, and Sin Entices. But Jesus Christ is the Friend of Sinners, and He Gives Us Hope and the Promise to a New Life in Him.
Humble Pray Seek
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Andy Walden 03/24/2024 (SN) II Chronicles 6:34-42
II Chronicles 7:1-3
The Hardest Thing For Us to Do Is to Humble Ourselves Before God. But We Must Get Humble Before We Pray to Him: Seek Out His Face and Turn From Our Wicked Ways. We've Lost the Power of God as the Evil in the World Becomes More and More Normal. [What Is in Your Temple?]
A Big Step Up
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Charles Lawson 03/17/2024 (SM) Hebrews 1:1 Written to the Hebrews, God's Chosen People and Guardians of His Word, to Expound Unto Them the Way of God Completed as Example after Example Demonstrates the Supremacy of the Person, the Performance, the Priesthood and the Promises of the Lord Jesus Christ Over the Law of Moses Which Was the Foreshadowing of Him.
Bent Towards Backsliding
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Barry McDonald 03/17/2024 (SN) Hosea 11:1-9
Ezekiel 16:1-6
Ephraim Joined Themselves to Idols and Were Bent Towards Backsliding; So God, Who Called Ephraim His First Born, Approaches as a Parent Does to a Child and Goes So Far as to Say, "I Will Love Them No More." Ezekiel Shows God Viewing Ephraim as He First Found Them: Cast Out and Dying in Their Own Blood He Had Compassion, and Just Like a Parent, He Said to Ephraim, "How Shall I Give Thee Up?"
The Battle Rages
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Charles Lawson 03/10/2024 (SM) Genesis 3:1 Sin Originated Way Before the Garden of Eden, and the Ways and Wiles of Satan Have Been Elaborated and Honed Through the Ages. Satan Will Be the Adversary to Mankind Until He Is Finally Cast into the Lake of Fire. Overrunning Death and Despair Appall and Confuse Even Believers at Times. To React with Anger Towards God Is Not Uncommon. But, In Whatever Setting We Find Other Distraught Individuals, Let Us Intercede and Minister to Them Even as the Lord Has Shown Grace to Us.
The Heart of a Shepherd
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Charles Lawson 03/10/2024 (SN) Psalm 23:1-6 Psalms 22-24 Talk About Christ as the Good, the Chief, and the Great Shepherd. The Good Shepherd Is Willing To Die For His Flock and Protect Them From the Enemy; the Chief Shepherd Restores Our Soul and Feeds His Bishops and Elders; and the Great Shepherd Brings Victory and Allows Us into the Presence of God Through Christ's Righteousness. God Looks Upon Our Heart, Which Is Why David Was Anointed As the King of Israel -- Because He Had the Heart of a Shepherd.
The Manifest Presence of God
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Dean McNeese 03/03/2024 (SM) Psalm 130:1-4 Psalms 130-133 We See David's Anguish, Anxiety, Anointing, and Analogy. The Life Long Burden of David was that He Would Build the House of God and Return the Ark of the Covenant (Manifest Presence) to Its Rightful Place.
Anointed with Fresh Oil
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Dean McNeese 03/03/2024 (SN) Psalm 133:1-3 Only God Knows What a Church Needs or What Each Believer Needs, and He Will Surely Give Enough--and in a Timely Manner.

February 2024

The Unpardonable Sin
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Charles Lawson 02/25/2024 (SM) Matthew 12:31-32 Understanding How the Preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Working of the Holy Spirit Together Bring Conviction to the Heart of the Unbeliever. Then IF Knowingly, Willfully Rejected - There Is No Alternative to Receive Remission of Sin and There Is NO HOPE.
The Lord Shall Deliver
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Roger Lee 02/25/2024 (SN) I Kings 22:1-8 The Friendship of Jehoshaphat (King of Judah) and Ahab (King of Israel) Was Between Two Men Who Were Vastly Different As Jehoshaphat Sought After God's Face and Ahab Had A Wicked Heart. We Must Never Make An Allegiance With Evil and Must Be Separate From the World.
Hope For Forgiveness
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Charles Lawson

02/18/2024 (SM)

Hebrews 11:6
The People Listed in This Chapter of Hebrews Are Flawed, But God Focuses Exclusively on Their Faith. All of Us Are Flawed, Too; But by the Mercy and Grace of Our Lord, We Have His Promise That Christ Is Our Advocate and That He Will Instruct Us in His Truth.
Get Desperate
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Lucas Hickman 02/18/2024 (SN) Matthew 23:24-26 Four Examples from Scripture of People Who Were Desperate To Get To Jesus; Zacheus, Blind Bartimaeus, Woman with the Issue of Blood, and the Man with the Palsy. Exhortation to Us All to Stay Desperate for Family, Friends, Souls, and Revival.
Men Need to Hear About Christ
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Charles Lawson

02/11/2024 (SM)

I Corinthians 1:22-24
I Corinthians 2:2
The Burden of the Bible Is Christ, and the Burden of the Apostle Paul Was Also to Preach Christ and Him Crucified. The Power of the Cross Includes: Delivering Us From the Curse of the Law; Delivering Us From This World; Giving Us the Holy Spirit and the Fruit of the Spirit.
Come, See A Man
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Andy Walden 02/11/2024 (SN) I John 1:9
Take the Living Water Jesus Offers. Beware the Wiles of the Devil. You've Got to Take Your Pick.
The Unnamed Connector
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Tom Gilliam

02/04/2024 (SM)

II Kings 5:1 The Story of Naaman the Leper and How His Little Jewish Maid Connected Him To God's Prophet Elisha.
The Unknown Man of Blessings
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Tom Gilliam

02/04/2024 (SN)

II Samuel 6:5-11
I Chronicles 15:24
The Second Biblical Example of the Precious Set of People Who Are "Unknown Here But Well-known There" Is Obededom the Gitite Who Took in the Ark of the Covenant, Centered It in His Home; and, Thereby, He (His Household and All That Pertaineth to Him) Were Greatly Blessed.

January 2024

Three Good Samaritans
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Charles Lawson 01/28/2024 (SM) John 8:33-51
The Self-Righteous Jewish Leaders Could Think of Nothing More Derisive Than to Call Jesus a Demon-Possessed Samaritan. But, From the Scripture We Read of Several Exemplary Individuals and the Lessons They Illustrate: the Woman At the Well (Gift of God); the Samaritan Leper Who Returned to Jesus (Thankfulness); and the Good Samaritan (Able Minister). The Grace of God Knows No Strangers; It Is A Fountain Head That Will Never Run Dry; and It Is For Everyone.
A More Sure Word
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Charles Lawson 01/28/2024 (SN)


2 Peter 1:16


Peter Pronounced and Jesus Christ Affirmed That the Prophecies of Christ Given in Scripture Are More Certain Proof Than Eyewitnesses of His Contemporaries. Moses Wrote the Law; Your Approach to the Ten Commandments Will Determine Which Way You Go. The Commandments Are a Manifestation of The Lord Jesus Christ. The Ten Commandments Will Not Save You, But the Savior Whom They Reveal Can.
No Service due to snow   01/21/2024 (SM & SN)  
"No Fishing"
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Barry McDonald 01/14/2024 (SM) Micah 7:18-20
Colossians 2:13-14
The Common Denominator Between the Scriptures from Micah and Colossians Is What the Lord Does with Sins That He Has Forgiven. Because We Do Not Forget Like God Does, Satan Will Use Our Past Against Us and "Take Us Fishing" for Sins That Have Already Been Blotted Out By the Lord. When We Are Drawn to Dwell on Past Mistakes -- Remember: No Trespassing and No Fishing.
But Through Him
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Ronnie Crain 01/14/2024 (SN) John 1:7 People Without God Have No Power To Resist Being Overcome By Sin. But Through Him--The Word of God and the Power of God (the Only Way)--The Believer Is Saved for Life Eternal and Saved From a Life Wasted Even Now. Marvelous Examples from the Lives of Renown Missionaries.
Stone Throwers Versus Restorers
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Charles Lawson 01/07/2024 (SM) Galatians 6:1-8 Tearing Someone Down (Stone Throwing) Is Easier Than Building Back (Restoring). People Who Need Restoring May: Have a Broken Life, Shipwrecked Faith, Are Running from God, Confused, or Are Finished. In Order To Be a Restorer: (1) One Must Be Accepted by the Disheartened as Genuine; (2) One Must Have Empathy; (3) One Must Be Conscious of Grace Versus Law; (4) One Must Be Patient; and (5) One Must Be There.
Rebuke to the Church of Ephesus
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Charles Lawson 01/07/2024 (SN) Revelation 2:1-4 Ephesus Was Commended for the Things They Did Right, Doctrinally. But the Single Rebuke That Jesus Had For Them--That They Had Left Their First Love [for Him]--Was So Serious That Jesus Warned Them: If They Didn't Repent of That, He Would Remove Their Candlestick Out of His Place. And, Anymore--There Is No Church at Ephesus. So, Let Us Examine Ourselves in Temple Baptist Church--That We Do Not Fail to Actively and Persistently Love the Lord Our God Who Has Ardently Loved Us First.

December 2023

Ground Zero
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Barry McDonald 12/31/2023 (SM) Mark 5:21-34 An Unclean Woman Had the Faith To Touch the Hem of Jesus' Garment as Her Last Chance To Be Healed. Jesus Felt Power and Virtue Go Out as He Was Touched By A Sinner. When We Are At Ground Zero, It Brings Humility and Also Means He Is Within Reach.
Sought After God
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Roger Lee 12/31/2023 (SN) II Chronicles 26:1-2 When Uz-zi'ah Stepped Into His Father's Place as King of Judah, He Sought After God and Set Everything In Place to Protect Judah and Jerusalem -- Until His Success Got to Him, and He Overstepped His Office. God Always Blesses Those Who Seek Him. We Must Be Led By the Holy Spirit of the Living God and Continue to Seek His Face.
Blessed Mary
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Charles Lawson 12/24/2023 (SM) Luke 1:26-35 The Virgin Birth Is Essential To Our Faith As Mary Is the Mother of the Son of Man. Mary Accepted the Responsibility and Blessedness That Was Bestowed Upon Her. Then Came the Time When She Needed To Know Jesus Only As Her Savior. It Is Important to Remember: (1) Mary Is Not the Queen of Heaven, (2) She Is Not Our Mediator, and (3) She Is Not the Mother of God.
No Service This Evening   12/24/2023 (SN)  
Plea To Let Jesus Into Your Heart
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Charles Lawson 12/17/2023 (SM) Luke 1:26-38 The Annunciation to the Virgin Mary Foretold the Coming of a Saviour That Would Save the Sins of His People. Hell Is a Just Reward For People Like Herod the Great; and Present-Day America Is In a Free Fall For the Same Fate. Salvation Is Nothing Without the Lord Jesus Christ; but We Must First Believe From Our Heart; Which Brings Along Repentance and Humility. If We Are Truly Born-Again There Is A Change In Our Heart and Our Life.
Christmas Program
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Temple Children,
Teens, and Adults
12/17/2023 (SN) Christmas Play, "T'was the Night of Jesus' Birth"
The Wisdom of God
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Charles Lawson 12/10/2023 (SM) Proverbs 8:22-31 The Whole of God's Plan for Mankind Was Present with Him from Everlasting to Everlasting. Truth Is Written Down in Scripture, and Truth Is the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ. To Believe the Truth Is to Believe and Receive the Person--It Is to Be Born Again. It Is Available to All -- and Is Received by Some of the Most Unlikely People Imaginable.
The Word of God Answers All Questions, Spoken and Unspoken
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Roger Lee 12/10/2023 (SN) Luke 7:36-39 The Pharisee Simon Was Appalled That a Woman, a Known Sinner, Approached and Touched His Guest, Jesus; But Jesus Answered His Host's Unspoken Challenge with the Story of the Creditor and the Two Debtors. Then He Rounded Out the Visit by Forgiving the Woman Her Sins and Sending Her on with Reassurance and the Blessing, "Go in Peace."
The Suffering Messiah
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Charles Lawson 12/03/2023 (SM) Genesis 50:15-21 Multiple Prophecies Point to the Lord Coming Back to Deal With Israel; Meeting Them Face-to-Face in the Wilderness as the New Covenant Is Not Fulfilled Without the Jews. You Know You Have the True Christ If You Believe: (1) God Opened Heaven 2,000 Years Ago and Lived Among Men In the Flesh; (2) He Lived a Sinless, Perfect Life; (3) He Died on the Cross and Rose From the Dead On the Third Day; and (4) Once You Accepted Him, You Changed.
By Grace Through Faith
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Barry McDonald 12/03/2023 (SN) Genesis 24:1-11 The Story of Abraham's Servant Searching Out a Bride For Isaac Shows Many Typologies: Abraham Is a Type of God the Father; Isaac Is a Type of the Lord Jesus Christ; the Unnamed Servant Is a Type of the Holy Spirit of God; and Rebecca Is a Type of the Body of Christ [Church].

November 2023

Two Great Lights
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Charles Lawson 11/26/2023 (SM) II Peter 3:16 There Are Two Lights We Encounter; the Light of Salvation and the Light of Fellowship. The Light Brings Us To God; but If We Justify the Life We Are Living We Are Walking in Darkness. Job Came Out of His Trials On the Better End and When We Go Through a Storm the Lord Teaches Us Lessons Along the Way.
Walk Worthy of Your Calling
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Lucas Hickman 11/26/2023 (SN) Ephesians 4:1 Three Classes of Baptist Churches: One Extreme, the Other Extreme, and Old Path in the Middle: the KJV Stait Way. Some of Those Churches Give Up Power for Popularity. They Lose Feelings, They Lose Convictions--They Knock Down Boundaries Bit by Bit. We Love Ourselves and We Have Lying Tongues. So, Are You in Tune with the Holy Spirit? It's the Only Way to Have Power: Be Empty of This World to Be Filled with Him.
Love and Prayer
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Charles Lawson 11/19/2023 (SM) Luke 22:20 We Have the Image of God and the Capacity For Love and Prayer. Worship Arises From Inside the Soul and Unlike Angels; We Had the Blood of Christ Applied and Worship God Because We Are Redeemed. Do You Have A Real Love For God?
A Difficult Cross to Bear
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Keith Shown 11/19/2023 (SN) Mark 15:16-22 Simon, A Cyrenian, Was Compelled To Bear the Cross of Jesus Before His Crucifixion. When We Are Given A Difficult Cross to Bear: (1) It Is Not By Accident, (2) Our Testimony Will Affect Those Around Us, (3) The Lord Will Give Us Strength to Bear It, and (4) He Will Help Bear It With Us.
Get Thee Behind Me, Satan
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Charles Lawson 11/12/2023 (SM) Matthew 16:13-23 Can A Christian Be Demon Possessed? Born-Again Believers Have Two-Natures, the Old Man (Flesh) and the New Man (Spirit) Which Are in Constant Battle with Each Other. Satan Can Take Control of the Mind and Fill the Heart. Our Power Is in the Spirit and It Is the Spirit of the Living God That Breaks Us from Sin. We Must Fellowship with God to Live for Him as We Cannot Search Our Own Heart or Soul.
The Work of the Holy Spirit
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Charles Lawson 11/12/2023 (SN) John 16:8 Jesus Tells His Disciples That He Will Go Away and the Comforter Would Come; and "When He Is Come, He Will Reprove the World of Sin, and of Righteousness, and of Judgment."--And What All That Does Mean; and How It Is That God Spares His People from Blasphemy Against the Holy Ghost. And How We Can Live for God [Only by Fellowship with Him]. Concludes with Two of the Biggest Sins and One of Best Things God Gives.
The Lord Jesus Christ: The Almighty
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Charles Lawson 11/05/2023 (SM) Revelation 1:1-8 The Lord Jesus Christ is Referenced in Revelation As Many Things; Particularly the Lamb of God. All Things Are Through the Lamb As He Is the God's Answer to Mankind. This World Is Being Prepared to Worship the Anti-Christ. Until Jesus Returns to Overcome the Devil, Satan Craves Worship and Can Deceive the World Into Idolizing Him.
A Shepherd's Heart
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Barry McDonald 11/05/2023 (SN) II Samuel 21:15 We See David Grow Up From the Shepherd Boy Anointed to be the King of Israel, Through His Dark Days, and to His Last Battle on the Battlefield As An Old Man. Facing Adversity Against the Family of Goliath, He is Saved By Abishai (Gift of God), Sibbechai (God Intervenes), Elhanan (Grace of God), and Jonathan (God Hath Given).

October 2023

If You'll Examine Christ Jesus
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Charles Lawson 10/29/2023 (SM) Matthew 26:20-25 When The Multitudes or the Followers or the Twelve Disciples of Christ Encountered Something Inscrutable [to Them] in His Ministry, They Deserted Him. However, When He Was Examined Directly by People from Herod to Pilate, None Could Find Any Fault in Him. We Need to Take Responsibility for Our Choices: Like the Thief on the Cross, Receive the Word of God; Regardless of How You've Lived -- Choose to Not Die as a Fool.
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Charles Lawson 10/29/2023 (SN) Exodus 34:1-9 To Moses, God Told His Name and Who He Was and Is and Always Will Be (Because He Changes Not). God Is Ever Gracious. Elements of Grace: Mercy, Longsuffering, Forgiveness, Benefaction ... and Reconciliation. God, on His Part, Has Removed the Obstacles Separating Him from Mankind. Now It Is the Individual's Part to Get a Proper Attitude Toward God That They Can be Reconciled to Him. Whatever Troubles You, Just Lay It All Out Before God..
The Second Coming
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Charles Lawson 10/22/2023 (SM) Matthew 24:1-21 Overview of World Events Including a Great Reset of the World's Economy and China's Desire For World Leadership Under Their Hegemony. As Seen in WWI, An Apparently Unrelated Chain of Events Could Spark the Beginning of WWIII. Significantly, Too, Is the Muslim Conviction That Worldwide Chaos Is Necessary to Usher In the Second Coming of Their Mahdi.
Being in the Will of Christ
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Lucas Hickman 10/22/2023 (SN) I Peter 4:1-4 Accepting God's Will for Our Life Brings Rejection from the World and Also Tests Our Character. We Have a Responsibility to Do All Things to Glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and Educate Ourselves on Our Beliefs So We Can Defend Our Faith. No Matter the Highs or the Lows, We Ought to Show Great Faith and Rejoice.
The Wind in the Garden of God
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Charles Lawson 10/15/2023 (SM) Song of Solomon 4:15-16 The Picture of the Threshing Floor and the Role of the Wind (the Holy Spirit) in Carrying Off the Chaff to Identify the Grain - This Contrast with Satan's Method of Troubling People: "Sifting," Which Destroys Both Parts, Bad and Good. Also, the Significance of the Direction of the Wind. And Reassurance That Everything God Purges from You/Your Life, He Replaces It with the Lord Jesus Christ. To Get Somewhere with God, Be Honest with Him (--Honest with Yourself).
The Fall of Man Sets the Stage for the Son of Man
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Charles Lawson 10/15/2023 (SN) Genesis 3:14-21 The Study of the Fall of Man Sets the Stage for the Redemption of Man Which Sets the Stage for the Redeemer. So, What Does an Intelligent, Educated Jew Say About Jesus? Or What Might a Karaite Jew Say of Jesus? It All Depends Upon the Authority They Use. Likewise the Muslims. Most Blessedly, by the Authority of Our Bible, We Christians Can Plainly See Him Revealed as Our Precious Lord and Saviour.
The Lord That Sees and Provides
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Cody Shew 10/08/2023 (SM) Genesis 22:9-14 Abraham's Sacrifice of Isaac Reveals God's Name of Jehovah-jireh; One Who Sees and Provides. The Purpose to Sacrifice Isaac Was to Test Abraham's Faith, the Provision Was That God Himself Will Always Furnish What Is Necessary. The Place Was Significant to Abraham, and Also to David and Solomon, and Was the Site of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. God Saw and Remedied Our Needs, and Before Anything Was -- God Was.
Encouraging Yourself in the Lord
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Cody Shew 10/08/2023 (SN) I Samuel 30:1-6 David Was Going Through a Time When He Had No Family, No Friends, and No Fellowship. Instead of Quitting, David Mused and Mediated on Where God Found Him; on the Victories God Gave Him; and on God's Faithfulness Even In Spite of David's Foolishness. When David Encouraged Himself in the Lord His God, He Started to Remember Who God Is: the Supreme One Who Has Need of Nothing Else.
Crisis of Faith
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Charles Lawson 10/01/2023 (SM) Numbers 21:4 If We Get Down in Discouragement We Can: Pray the Wrong Prayer, Say the Wrong Thing, Think the Wrong Thing, Do the Wrong Thing, See the Wrong Thing, Go to the Wrong Place, and Have the Wrong Spirit. Our Understanding of the Lord Jesus Christ Is Progressive. He Is the Only One Who Can Feed Our Soul. The World Is Dying, and We [Born-Again Christians] as Able Ministers of Gospel Should Aim to Reach All Generations.
How Big Our God Is
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Barry McDonald 10/01/2023 (SN) Psalm 8:1-4 The Very God Who Made the Sun and the Moon and Breathed Out the Stars Cares for Every One of the Creatures Which He Has Made in His Own Image. So, You Say You Love the Lord--Then Show It by Showing Love to His People.

September 2023

To Whom Shall We Go?
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Charles Lawson 09/24/2023 (SM) John 6:68 The Word of God Is a Living Book as Jesus Will Lead Us Into Truth and Light. People Refuse God Because They Rather Live On Their Own Terms. A Survey of Questions Asked of Jesus and His Answers Reveal.
The Old Man Versus the New Man
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Charles Lawson 09/24/2023 (SN) Ephesians 4:21-23 Only Those Who Are Born-Again Have A Constant Battle Between Two Natures: the Old Man and the New Man. The Flesh is Vile in Nature and it Lusts after the Spirit to Gain Control of the Mind. How You Live Is Important as It Manifests the Spirit You Live In. Pastor Counsels Us to: (1) Walk In Fellowship; (2) Renew Your Mind; (3) Learn the Power of Wicked Spirits; (4) Learn the Power of the Blood; (5) Learn the Power of Sin; and (6) Consider Thyself Also.
What To Do With a Lost World
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Roc Collins 09/17/2023 (SM) Romans 10:1-4 In This Lost World: We Must Be Burdened Enough to Pray for the Lost, We Must See the Lost World For What They Are as They Create Their Own Righteousness, and We Must Point Them Towards Jesus. Man Alone Is Not Righteous and Under the Law It Acted As A Mirror to Show How Unrighteous Man Is. Take Every Opportunity to Tell Someone About Jesus: Not with Condemnation but Loving Them to Jesus.
When Jesus Comes to Church
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Roc Collins 09/17/2023 (SN) Mark 1:21-28 Whenever Jesus Entered a Town, He Went into the Synagogue. When Jesus Comes to Church: (1) He Teaches with Authority; (2) Demons Don't Like It; (3) Deliverance Is Available; and (4) They Were All Amazed.
The Unveiling
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Charles Lawson 09/10/2023 (SM) Revelation 1:1-6 In the Book of Revelation, Jesus Christ Reveals the Events in the Fullness of the Times of the Gentiles -and- Jesus Christ Himself Is Revealed as He Who Is in the Midst of the Churches, as the Lamb of God, and as the Lord of Lords. Contrast the Lord Jesus Christ with the Antichrist; and Take Note of the Spirit That Can Animate AI Such as ChatGPT, Just Like It Can a Ouija Board.
The Lamb of God
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Charles Lawson 09/10/2023 (SN) Revelation 5:1-10 In This Chapter of Revelation, the Lord Jesus Christ is Described as the Lion of the Tribe of Juda and Also as a Lamb as it Had Been Slained. Only the Lamb of God is Qualified to Open the Book with the Seven Seals Which Will Unleash Judgement on the Earth. The Shedding of Innocent Lamb's Blood is a Theme Throughout the Bible. In Genesis Paradise is Lost, But in Revelation Paradise is Regained.
Decisions We Make Are Eternal
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Charles Lawson 09/03/2023 (SM) Deuteronomy 10:12-15 The Responsibility of Man Towards God in the Old Testament Dispensation Was to Fear God by Keeping His Commandments the Best They Could. Starting in the New Testament with John the Baptist, Repentance Becomes Necessary for the Kingdom of Heaven as He Was Preparing Them for the Dispensation of Grace by Faith in the Finished Work of Christ Jesus. The Meeting Between Saul of Tarsus and Jesus Christ on the Road to Damascus Shows That Jesus Can Save An Unlikely One of His Choosing Against All Natural Expectations.
Live Like Christ Was Crucified
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Lucas Hickman 09/03/2023 (SN) Galatians 2:20
Galatians 5:24
As Our Lord Jesus Christ, Himself Innocent of Sin But Hanging on the Cross for All Others' Sake, Yet He Showed Forgiveness for All Those Who Offended and Fervor for Others Above What You're Feeling. Jesus Suffered on the Cross Till It Was Finished: Neither Should We Be Quitters nor Shy of Any Inconvenience.

August 2023

When You Get Mad at God
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Charles Lawson 08/27/2023 (SM) Proverbs 19:3 There Are a Myriads of Examples in the Bible of God's People Who Got Mad at Him; All While He Was Preparing Them for Something Bigger. Self-Pity and Mis-answered Prayers Are Not the Only Reasons People Get Mad at God: Sometimes Folks Will Get Mad Because Someone Else Gets Blessed or Because They Are Made to Reap What They've Sown and Then Resent God's Judgement. When You Get Mad, Just Get Over Yourself and Run Back to God.
The All-Knowing God
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Cody Jones 08/27/2023 (SN) Psalm 139:1-10 The Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent God is Just, Longsuffering, Merciful, and Also the God of Wrath. He Knows Mankind's Inner Workings, Outward Goings; and He Knows Those That Are His Own. Today's World Has No Regard for God as it is Under a Strong Delusion from Satan. "The Harvest Truly is Plenteous, but the Labourers are Few."
A Friend of Sinners
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Charles Lawson 08/20/2023 (SM) Luke 7:18-35 The Pharisees Thought it Was a Failing That the Lord Jesus Christ is the Friend of Sinners. Jesus Knows and Acknowledges Each and Every Person Before We Ever Know Him, and He Seeks Out Those Who Are Lost. To Walk in Communion with God the Son and God the Father We Must Walk in Fellowship and the Light of the Holy Spirit: We Must Lean Totally Upon Our Saviour and Not At All On Ourselves.
The Love of God
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Sam Ensor 08/20/2023 (SN) John 3:16 Love Is Not What God Does, But Who God Is. Insights from the Ministries of the Young Henry Morehouse and DL Moody and Harold Sightler, and Three Concise Points Regarding the Marvelous Attributes of God's Love.
The Prophet of Fire
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Charles Lawson 08/13/2023 (SM) I Kings 17:1 The Story of Elijah and His Association with Fire and the Correlation Between God's Consuming Fire of Elijah's Sacrifice on Mount Carmel and the Father's Satisfaction of Jesus' Sacrifice on Calvary. A List of Reasons Why People Won't Help You and A List of People Who Can.
When Heaven Opens
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Charles Lawson 08/13/2023 (SN) John 1:43-51 Looking at Multiple Instances in Scripture When Heaven Opens; and Looking for the Rapture of the Church (Our Blessed Hope) and Ahead to the Return of the Lord Jesus, Coming This Time, in Power to Punish Spiritual Beings: to Judge and to Make War.
God, He Is The Rock
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Charles Lawson 08/06/2023 (SM) Deuteronomy 32:1-4 A List of the Ways That God Is Our Rock. A Stone Comes Out of a Rock. And a Parallel Truth: That the Righteousness of Jesus Christ Was Not What He's Always Had, But What He Lived Out in His Perfect, Sinless Life; and It Is the Righteousness of Christ Which Is Made Righteousness unto Us.
The Firstborn
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Charles Lawson 08/06/2023 (SN) Colossians 1:1-6 Five Passages in Scripture Where Christ Jesus Is Called the Firstborn (the Preeminate), and Understanding the Significance of Each Example. These Are Counter Arguments to the Pervasive Heresy of Gnosticism, Present Even in the First Century Church Age.

July 2023

Artificial Intelligence and the Anti-Christ
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Charles Lawson 07/30/2023 (SM) Daniel 12:1-4 Not Only Did One of the Creators of Artificial Intelligence Warns Us That It Can Outpace Us in as Little as Five Years, Daniel Also Warned Us About the Increase in Knowledge. Artificial Intelligence Utilizes Surveillance and Is Not Far from Knowing Everything About Us, Which Could Be Used in the Anti-Christ's World as the Uses Are Endless. AI Is Not Coming; It Is Already Here, and It Is Time to Wake Up.
A Greater Than Solomon Is Here
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Charles Lawson 07/30/2023 (SN) Matthew 12:42 Parables Throughout the Book of Matthew Directly Relate to the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Jesus' Proclamation of Being Greater Than Solomon Was Met with Push Back Due to Many Reasons; But We Know Jesus, Being God Manifested in Flesh, Is Greater. Prayer Is Our Gift from God with Jesus as Our Intercessor, and Talking to God Daily Will Change Our Lives.
Time Wasted Away From God
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Greg Lentz 07/23/2023 (SM) Luke 15:11-12 Chapter 15 of Luke Has Multiple Parables, Including the Parable of the Lost Son. Satan and the World Both Will Use Us As Long As We Have Something to Give; But Once We Get to the End of That Journey, We Must Have a God-Awakening Moment. Much Like the Father When the Son Returned; Jesus Has an Everlasting Love For Us and Will Meet Us Where We Are.
Get Storm Ready
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Greg Lentz 07/23/2023 (SN) Acts 27:15-25 All Too Many Folk, in the Midst of the Tempest, Behave as the Lost Person Does: They Quit ["Let Her Drive"]; Lighten the Ship [Discard What They Need]; and Live in Despair [All Hope Taken Away]. Paul--in the Middle of the Same Storm as They--Told Them to Be of Good Cheer (He Had Good News from the Lord). Basic Storm Facts Reviewed and the Consolation: the Presence of Jesus, a Purpose for the Storm, and Promises from His Word.
The Man on the Middle Cross
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Barry McDonald 07/16/2023 (SM) John 19:16-18 Old Testament, New Testament--Both Describe the Passover Lamb and Bring It Down to a Personal Application. And, One Can Try to Argue History or Science or a Preponderance of Evidence or Matters of Convenience, But--Everyone Will, Sooner or Later, "Make Their Count" of the Man [Center Stage] Who Died for Their Sins.
Instruction and Encouragement
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Barry McDonald 07/16/2023 (SN) II Timothy 4:1-12 Paul Knew That His Time Left on Earth Was Short, So He Made Occasion to Write to His Son in the Faith, to Advise Him and Warn Him. Paul Told Timothy Frankly That Serving in the Ministry Takes a Toll, But He Also Spoke of Where He Has Finished Well and Can Look Forward to a Reward. In Scriptural and in Anecdotal Jargon, Paul Charges Timothy-- Keep a Hold of Your Shield, Don't Drop the Ball!
The Danger of Being Too Good For Muddy Waters
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Heath Williams 07/09/2023 (SM) II Kings 5:9-14 Na'a-man, Captain of the Host of the King of Syria, Gets Stricken with Leprosy, but We See the God-Side: Using People in His Life to Send Him to Israel to Meet with Elisha. We See in Na'a-man a Powerful Man with a Problem; When He Arrives in Israel, We See a Proud Man with the Wrong Perceptions as His Pride Prevents Him From Wanting to Complete the Final Thirty-Two Miles. What Could Thirty-Two Miles Cost You?
Living Bitter and Dying Broken
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Heath Williams 07/09/2023 (SN) II Samuel 15:12 Three Steps Took Ahithophel From Bitterness to Brokenness: Pain in the Past, Persuasion of the Present, and Loss of Power Over the Future. A Real-Life Example of This Can Be Seen From the Orphanage Incident Between Respected Preachers Charles Spurgeon and Joseph Parker.
When God Reveals God
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Charles Lawson 07/02/2023 (SM) Jeremiah 23:5-6 Four Prophetic Statements About the Branch Correspond to the Four Gospels of the New Testament: The Righteous Branch (Matthew), The Servant Branch (Mark), The Branch of the Man (Luke), and the Branch of the Lord (John). God is Eternal in the Present Tense and Only He Can Open a Door That Has Been Shut; As He Did With the Davidic Kingdom Line. Common Insolent Acts Express the Depravity Rampant in Today's Society.
A Discerner of the Thoughts and Intents of the Heart
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Charles Lawson 07/02/2023 (SN) Hebrews 4:12 Significant Occasions When Jesus (the Word of God Incarnate) Was Silent; Times When He Spoke. God Has a Heart and an Ear: He Hears the Cries of the Widows and Orphans, and He Answers for a Child's Sake. For Contrast, a Quick List of Man-Centered Gospels. Finally, What Jesus Said that Men Are Like with Regard to Receiving the Truth of God's Word.

June 2023

Set a Seal
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Charles Lawson 06/25/2023 (SM) Song of Solomon 8:6Ephesians 1:3-14 For the Christian, the Holy Spirit Is the Seal--the Seal of Our Inheritance. Of the Several Ways God the Father Sealed His Son Jesus Christ, We Are Also Sealed. More Examples of the Applications of a Seal, Notably for the Purpose of Security.
What God Does With the Sins of His People
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Charles Lawson 06/25/2023 (SN) Jeremiah 31:34 Note the Difference Between Condemnation and Conviction. God Forgives Sins; Forgets Them; Removes Them as Far as East from West; Casts Them Behind Him; Blots Them Out; Cast Them into the Depths of the Sea; Pardons All; Puts in a Place Where They Cannot Be Found. Seven Steps from Sin to Blessing. Exchanging Hopelessness and Fatalism for Jesus' Solution: Sins Paid For, Made a New Creature.
The Role of A Father
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Charles Lawson 06/18/2023 (SM) Genesis 18:19 "What Father's Day's About" -- Father Abraham and Preacher's Own Journey into Fatherhood: in Trials and Blessings.
There Ain't Nobody Like Jesus
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Lucas Hickman 06/18/2023 (SN)

Ephesians 6:10-18a
Isaiah 45: 3,5,6,14,18,22

All Who Are Born Again Into Eternal Life Are Recruited to Join the Fight Against the Wiles of the Devil. The Person and Character and Performance of Our Precious Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, Shows Him to be the Incomparable God and Captain.

Testimony Out of Australia
Whole Armour of God

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(Testimony - audio mp3)

Randy Bane 06/11/2023 (SM) Ephesians 6:10-20 Once We Get Saved, It is the Beginning of the Experience of the Power of God as We Get Empty with Ourselves and Filled With the Spirit of God. God Asks Us to Put On the Whole Armor of God So That We May Withstand the Attacks from Wickedness in Our Spiritual Warfare. We Must Draw Our Strength from Him and Operate in Divine Victory.
Revival on the Isle of Patmos
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Randy Bane 06/11/2023 (SN) Revelation 1:9
Psalm 138:7-8
When John Got Banished to the Isle of Patmos by the Romans, Nobody Could Get in Touch with Him -- But God Reached Him and Gave Him a Revival in His Soul. We Go Through Many Different Tribulations That Can Seclude Us on an Island, But Remember! God Can Revive Us on Our Island, Too. Around about Us Now, God is Sending Signals of His Soon Return. Let Us Stay Prepared.
Where Joseph Met Satan
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Charles Lawson 06/04/2023 (SM) Genesis 30:24 Joseph Encountered Satan Much of His Life Starting at Home With His Brothers Who Despised Him; in the Pit; on the Slave Market; and in the Dungeon. Satan Is a Spiritual Being Whom God Uses. In the Clutch of Trials, We Can Bury Our Roots Deeper in Him. It is a Battle for Souls, and We Must Support Each Other on the Battlefield.
The Treasure Inside
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Barry McDonald 06/04/2023 (SN) II Corinthians 4:7-18 We've Got to Reconcile the Difference Between the Eternal and the Temporal. God Never Made Any Promises to Your Flesh, But He Will Never Leave Nor Forsake the Treasure Within. Some Very Precious Cases in Point.

May 2023

God Sees Both Sides of Your Mountain
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Dan Martin 05/28/2023 (SM) I Samuel 23:19-28 Mountains in Our Lives Can Be Seen as an Obstacle or an Opportunity to See God Deliver. He is the Only One Who Can See Both Sides of Our Mountain and Can Deliver Us From It; He is the Only One Who Can Supply Our Needs; and He is the Only One Who Can Save Us.
Where Have You Become Desensitized?
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Dan Martin 05/28/2023 (SN) Genesis 13:8-13
II Peter 2:6-8
Much Like Lot When He Settled in Sodom and Gomorrah, Modern-Day Churches Are Becoming Desensitized to The World. When We Start Becoming Desensitized We Compromise On Our Stand of Separation; Give Up Our Children to the World; Lose Our Testimony Before Our Family; Lose Our Vision For Souls; and Begin to Linger On Whether the Pleasures of Sin Outweigh the Consequences. We Are Challenged to Stand and Not to Compromise.
The Thick Darkness
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Charles Lawson 05/21/2023 (SM) Genesis 2:8-9 The Reason God Put Us Here Is to Have Communion with Him. Our Relationship with God is Built on Who We Are with God and What He is to Us. God Dwells in the Thick Darkness When We Feel Lost and Alone. There is No Need to Hide or Run But to Walk with Him. Analogy Using the Gardens of Eden and Gethsemane.
God's Rainbow
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Keith Shown 05/21/2023 (SN) Genesis 9:8-17 The Noahic Covenant Stretching into Revelation, Sealed with the Rainbow. It is a Rainbow of Seven Colors--in Contrast with the Satanic Imitation of Six Colors. More Occurrences of the Seven Relating to the Flood. The Meaning of Each Color in the Rainbow; the Science of How a Rainbow Is Formed; the Special Phenomenon of the Double Rainbow, and an Original Song That Celebrates It.
Faith Like A Mother
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Charles Lawson 05/14/2023 (SM) Genesis 3:20 Although Hagar Was Not the One Through Whom the Promised Seed of Abraham Was to Come, She Showed Great Understanding of Theology, and God Took Care of Her and Ishmael for Her Faith. A Mother's Love is Unconditional as We See with Jochebed, Lying to Pharaoh and Hiding Moses; and Also the Prostitute Who Would Have Relinquished Her Child to the Other Woman Rather Than See Solomon Cut Him in Half.
City of the Living God
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Charles Lawson 05/14/2023 (SN) John 14:1-3
Ezekiel 28:14-19
The Three Heavens Can Be Compared to the Tabernacle Which Had Three Distinct Locations. Likewise, There is a Counterpart [New] Jerusalem in Heaven with the Names of the Tribes of Israel on the Twelve Gates and the Names of the Twelve Apostles on the Foundation - a Connection Between Old Israel and the Church of the Living God.
The Preaching of the Cross
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Charles Lawson 05/07/2023 (SM) I Corinthians 1:17 Evangelists Sent Not to Baptize? So... Understanding the Proper Purpose of Baptism and Why Christ Jesus Himself Was Baptized. And Looking Also at the Law and Traditions and/or Any Superfluous Thing Tacked On to the Finished Work of the Lord Jesus--the Shedding of His Blood and Dying for Our Sins on the Cross.
The Hebrew Roots Movement
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Charles Lawson 05/07/2023 (SN) Deuteronomy 13:4-11 Understanding the Recent Hebrew Roots Movement Which Urges a Return to First Century Judaism. They Forget That the Blessings of Abraham Are Come Through the Promise, and the Law ("Added Later Because of Transgressions") Did Not Come Until Moses - 500 years later. In the Least, the HRM Takes Total Focus From Jesus Christ (Who is Our Passover, Our All-in-All). In Greater Portions, It Inserts Weak and Beggarly Elements That Debase the Simplicity of the Gospel of the Grace of God, Even As First-Century Judaizers Sought to Do.

April 2023

The Good Shepherd
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Chad Watson 04/30/2023 (SM) Psalm 23:1-6 Viewing God as a Living Savior Who Desires For Us to be Saved and as the Good Shepherd Taking Care of His Sheep and Leading Us to Green Pastures and Still Waters. As Sheep We Fail to Find Joy and Happiness Alone and End Up Wandering Off. God Knows What We All Need, and We Must Allow Him to Lead Us.
More of The Good Shepherd
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Chad Watson 04/30/2023 (SN) Psalm 23:1-6 The Shepherd Knows What the Sheep Need, How to Care for Them, How to Lead Them. They Are Not in Want of Rest, Refreshment, the Right Paths, Nor Rewarding. Sometimes, the Right Path Goes Through the Valley (Which Is Sometimes a Fearful Place); But the Shepherd Is Leading, and Surely Goodness and Mercy Follow....
Journey in the Lord
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Charles Lawson 04/23/2023 (SM) Acts 7:57-60
Acts 8:1-3
Following the Stoning of Stephen, Saul of Tarsus (Who'd Witnessed It) Became an Ardent Activist in Persecuting Men and Women Who Were of "That Way." As He Journeyed to Damascus, the Lord Jesus Came to Him. The Simple Hand of Grace Turned His Life Around. No Longer an Enemy of the Church, Saul's Journey Then Became an Advancement in Grace and Knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Why the Church Is Still Here
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Tom Berry 04/23/2023 (SN) Luke 14:23 We Can Discern the Signs of the Times: Know That Time Is Running Out, and We Can Hanker to Be Quit of This World and Totally with Our Lord in Heaven. But We're Still Here. Just Calmly Waiting? WHY Are We Not Telling Folks That Jesus Died for Their Sins So That They Don't Have to Go to Hell? Ask of the Lord That He Give You a Burden for Souls and Open Doors.
Hall of Faith Members in Ourselves
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Charles Lawson 04/16/2023 (SM) Hebrews 11:1-3 The Names of the Faithful That Are Listed in Hebrews 11 Have Their Counterparts in Every Age Framed by the Word of God; and, Thoughtfully, We Could Each One of Us Identify with (or Be Encouraged by) One or More of Those Notable Saints of Old.
What Think Ye of Christ?
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Charles Lawson 04/16/2023 (SN) Matthew 22:41-46

That Question Is Asked a Lot, and Many Folk Responded with a Great Range of Answers. Simeon, John the Baptist, the Apostle Peter--By Revelation of God--Could Say That Jesus Was Not Only the Messiah But Was Also the Son of God.
So, What Think Ye of Christ Jesus?

Keep Your Eyes On Christ
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Charles Lawson 04/09/2023 (SM) I Corinthians 15:1-10 Detailed Overview of Easter Week From Palm Sunday to Resurrection Sunday. The Crucifixion of Christ Served Many Purposes Such As: It Made An Atonement For Sin, Destroyed the Works of the Devil, Reconciled the World Back to Himself, Satisfied the Righteousness of God, Took Away Sin of the World, and Showed the Love of God. Lord Jesus Christ is Alive Today For He Is Risen!
Be Sober: Be Serious
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Caleb Wilson 04/09/2023 (SN) I Peter 5:8 Be Vigilant Because Your Adversary the Devil ... Seeks Whom He May Devour (Cause to Doubt, Make Fearful, Oppress Spiritually!). Challenge Particularly to the Men of the Church to Lead in Their Homes--and That All Backed by Earnest Prayer.
The Working of the Trinity
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Charles Lawson 04/02/2023 (SM) John 3:13 Careful Reading and Consideration of Scripture Reveals the Totally Cohesive and Cooperative Movements of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost in--in Particular--the Event of the Crucifixion. When Jesus Cried, "Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?"--Only Then Was He Not in the Father's Bosom. Furthermore, the Crucifixion's Connection to the First Passover and Important Markers in Moses' Life and the Significance of the Number Ten.
Solemn Memorial of the Lord's Supper
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Charles Lawson 04/02/2023 (SN) I Corinthians 11:17-23 The Apostle Paul Addresses Misconduct and Schisms Rampant in the Church at Corinth With Regard to the Lord's Supper. It is Meant for a Looking Back to Christ's Sacrifice and a Looking Forward to His Coming Back.

March 2023

Learning to Go On in an Hour When Everyone Else Is Going Back
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Dean McNeese 03/26/2023 (SM) Hebrews 6:1 Using the Examples of Four Notable Men Already Mentioned Earlier in the Book of Hebrews--Abraham, Moses, David, and Aaron--We See That They Did "Go On" to Perfection, to Completion, to Maturity Rather Than Getting Done In, by Sins of Youth or Bitterness or Failure. And Note: Although the Old Testament Is Straight With Their Faults, Not a One of Their Errors Is Mentioned in the New Testament.
Let Brotherly Love Continue
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Dean McNeese 03/26/2023 (SN) Hebrews 13:1 Jacob and David are Both Pictures of Christ's Readiness and Willingness to Forgive Us Of Our Sins. Just As Christ Shows Forgiveness to His Children, We Must Be Willing to Forgive Our Brothers and Sisters in Christ When They Have Wronged Us. Before God Moves in Big Ways in the Church, He Must First Be Able to Move in Small Ways in the Heart of the Church Members.
Components of the Church
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Charles Lawson 03/19/2023 (SM) Matthew 16:16-17 Christ Jesus Asked His Disciples, "Who Do You Say That I Am?" to Mark What Revelation They Had Received of the Father. Now, the Blood of Christ Is the Atoning Price of the Church; the Holy Ghost the Administrator; the Ascended Lord Is the Head; and Prayer Is the Life of he Church. As Jesus Is Truth Revealed, Learn About Anything--Creation, Man, Sin, the Cross--by Relating It to Him and Reading the Bible.
Call To Prayer
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Charles Lawson 03/19/2023 (SN) Acts 2:1-6 Pastor's Plain Talk About Dry Services Without the Holy Spirit. Such Dead Works Will Never Do Anything For God. He Charges Himself and Us to Pray for the Prayer Meeting This Wednesday and for the Guest Speaker Next Sunday and That Our Singing and Teaching and Preaching Will All Be Empowered By God Our Saviour.
Be Ye Reconciled To God
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Charles Lawson 03/12/2023 (SM) Exodus 12:1-2 The Passover, Which Was a Death Angel Looking For Blood That Was Put On the Doorposts, is One of the Most Sacred Days of the Jewish Feast. Christ Dying on the Cross For Us Can Be Seen As Our Passover With the Shedding of His Blood and the Powerful Words, "It Is Finished." God Has Done It All, Sending His Son to Die For Our Reconciliation. It Is Now Up To Us To Receive Him, and If We Have Not Done So - What Is Keeping You From It?
Where's the Satifaction?
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Lucas Hickman 03/12/2023 (SN) Ruth 9:19-21 Upon Naomi's Return Home, She Lamented, "I Went Out Full, and the Lord Hath Brought Me Home Again Empty." But There Are Two Types of Empty: Empty 'Cause You're Lost and Without God, or Empty Because You're Not Satisfied--You Are Not Satiated with God Because You're Not Loving Him With Your Whole Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength. Tips to Stave Off Hunger and Thirst.
Christ and His Bride
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Charles Lawson 03/05/2023 (SM) Song of Solomon 1:1 The Typology of Song of Solomon Deals With the Great Love Christ Has For His Bride, Teaches Lessons On Our Relationship With Christ, and Grounds Us in Our Faith. The Bride of Christ is Unique and Has a Personal Relationship With a Binding Love as Strong as Death Like a Husband and a Wife Have For Each Other.
Musing by the Fire
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Sam Ensor 03/05/2023 (SN) Psalm 39:1-4

When David Was Up in Years and Tired, He Asked of God About the "Measure of His Days" Which Was Actually Asking, What Did His Life Add Up To? What Was the Purpose of It? And We'd Do Well to Ponder, Too: Do We Acquit Ourselves Properly Before God? Are We Making a Difference in the Lives of Others?

February 2023

Foundation For the Antichrist
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Charles Lawson 02/26/2023 (SM) Revelation 13:1-4 The Beast of Revelation 13 Is the Antichrist of the End Times Although Antichrists Have Been In All Ages. Agenda 2030, Mentioned by the Prime Minister of Hungary, Lays Out the Blueprint For World Government and Tyranny - Which Neatly Fulfills Prophecy Laid Out in the Bible. All This Leads to the Second Coming of Christ, but It Is Not Fixed in Time: It Is Conditional and Only the Father Knows When. It Is Blatantly Apparent That Preparations Are Being Set, So Be Ready For Our Lord's Return.
Some Things Hard To Be Understood
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Charles Lawson 02/26/2023 (SN) Luke 1:17 God Reveals Some Principles of Scripture That Help Us to Understand What We Could Not Otherwise: That One Person (Such As John the Baptist) Can Stand For Another Person (Such As Elijah);That Revelation Is Progressive, Building On Earlier Mentions; That New Testament Quotations of the Old Testament Usually Show the Application; and That As With the Parables, the Scripture Can Be Understood to Whomsoever God Reveals It and Hidden to Whomsoever He Blinds.
The Stewardship of Liberty
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Chuck Harding 02/19/2023 (SM) Acts 22:21-28 "Isn't it True, That If You Haven't Done Something For a Thing, You Have to Work at Appreciating It." So, We Must Be Educated to Understand What We Have with Our Spiritual Liberty in Christ Jesus and with Our Civil Liberty as Citizens of This Nation Whose Government Was Founded Upon Bible Principles and Which Has Been Blessed Because of That.
Pray from Determination (Rather Than from Desperation)
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Chuck Harding 02/19/2023 (SN) II Kings 18:1-9 Reading the Story of Hezekiah and Drawing Parallels to America's Situation: Would That We Will Pray as Hezekiah Did: That Our God, Our Sovereign, Would Postpone His Due Judgment upon Us For His Name's Sake; and That He Might Even Bring to Our Nation a Third Great Awakening.
Walking In Communion With God
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Charles Lawson 02/12/2023 (SM) I Corinthians 13:1-3 Love Is Foundational To Serving God and Only By Walking In The Spirit Can We Abide In His Love. Walking In The Spirit Requires Communion: We Must Pray. Three Reasons to Pray Are to Get Alone With God (to Talk to Him and Hear from Him), Because of Our Needs,and So That He Can Search Our Heart.
The Man Phillip and His Ministry
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Charles Lawson 02/12/2023 (SN) Acts 21:8 Phillip Was One of the Seven Chosen in the Early Jerusalem Church to Serve as Deacon. Phillip Preached, and He Was Used Mightily of God as an Evangelist in Samaria. Then He Was Transported to the South to Expound the Scripture to the Ethiopian Eunuch (and to Us--as His Words Are Recorded in Scripture). And So It's Recorded That Phillip Continued Steadfast in His Obedience to Spread the Gospel.
Righteous In The Sight Of God
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Charles Lawson 02/05/2023 (SM) Ezekiel 14:14 Today's World Has Issue with Righteousness But There Are Vast Differences in the Righteousness of the Old Testament and the Lord's Righteousness in the New Testament. Noah (Obedience), Daniel (Intercessor), and Job (Reduced to Ashes) Were Set Apart Due to Their Righteousness in the Sight of God. Revisiting Wednesday Night's Message "Abide In Christ."
Charged to Do God's Work
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Mitch Tillman 02/05/2023 (SN)

Genesis 2:19
Mark 16:9-14

From God Appointing Adam to Name All the Animals to Christ Jesus Giving the Great Commission in the Book of Mark, Our Creator and Saviour Desires That We Should Be an Integral Part of His Plan for the World. Also, a Testimony from Tengis--the Next Generation Mongolian Ministry Leader.

January 2023

Anymore, Messages Below Are Available Only in Audio (MP3) Format. The Video Files Have Been Retired Because of Insufficient Space.
We Apologize for This Inconvenience. However, Pastor Chales Lawson's Messages Can Still Be Found in Video Format on
Audio Sermon -or- Pastor Charles Lawson.org

Belief In A Person
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Charles Lawson 01/29/2023 (SM) John 2:1-11 The Gospel of John Is Different from the Other Gospels, for It Is Written Explicitly That "Ye Might Believe." In the Old Testament Law, There Was Grace and Truth and Redemption and Mercy. In the New Testament [in John] Is Introduced a New Factor: That All These Elements Are Now in a Person--the Lord Jesus Christ. And, If Miracles--Even Someone Rising from the Dead--Does Not Convince You--Read the Word of God, for It Is Alive, and It Can Be Taken Into Your Soul and Really Make the Difference.
Simply, What Must I Do to Be Saved?
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Charles Lawson 01/29/2023 (SN) Acts 16:30-31 "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and Thou Shalt Be Saved." But, What Does It Mean "to Believe"? Questions About the Saving of the Thief on the Cross Help Us Cut Away the Clutter and Come to the Pith. So, Simply Put: That Thief Put His Trust in What Jesus Said, and He Was Satisfied; He Said Nothing More. How We Come by Assurance of Our Salvation (Chiefly by Knowing the Lord Jesus).
God Is With Us
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Tom Gilliam 01/22/2023 (SM) Psalms 57:1-11 Much Like David In the Cave When He Fled From Saul, We Sometimess Feel As If God Has Left Us. Trouble Overwhelms the Forsaken, but the Truth of the Matter Is: God Has Not Gone Anywhere; He Never Leaves the Redeemed. We Need to Continue to Trust in Him, Sing Praises unto Him, and Pray with Our Noses in the Dirt.
God Is Faithful
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Tom Gilliam 01/22/2023 (SN) Psalms 59:1-17 Another of the Michtam Psalms of David Showing a Specific Facet of Omnipotent, Almighty God. God Wins Every Battle Before It's Fought. Because He Is Faithful, He Has Forgiven ALLLLLL Our Sins--Past, Present, Future. He Will Never Fail Us, Though We Ever Fail Him.
Part Man, Part Animal and The Day of Christ
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Charles Lawson 01/15/2023 (SM) II Thessalonians 2:1-7 How Important Is the Distinction Between the Day of the Lord and the Day of Christ! A Concise List of Eight Things That Particularly Set Man Apart From Animals (Maybe Spirit Beings, Too). The Mounting Evidence That Satan's Plan to Destroy Mankind By Destroying the Image of God in You--Turning People into Something (Mixed with Animals?) That Is Not Made in the Image of God.
Get Back To Old-Fashioned Faith In God
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Tom Berry 01/15/2023 (SN) I Corinthians 16:13 Most People in Today's Society Acknowledge They Have Faith, But Their Faith is Only Verbal or Mental. Some Modern Churches Preach Sermons That Are Part God and Part World That Also Contain Their Own Opinions. Old-Fashioned Faith in God Allows Us to Get Closer to God and Empowers Us to Spread His Word and Reach the Lost.
Pregnant Men and the Day Of The Lord
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Charles Lawson 01/08/2023 (SM) Genesis 3:15 The Seed of the Serpent is the Manifestation of Satan in a Living Thing. In Psalm 82, Jesus Establishes His Deity Over the Pagan Gods and Declares, "They Shall Die Like Men." References to the Video "The Belly of the Beast" by Tom Horn and an Article "The Great Reset" by Conn Carroll.
Simply Being with God
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Lucas Hickman 01/08/2023 (SN) Matthew 5:13-16 As Christians, We Can Get Close to the Lord Through Prayer and Scripture Reading--Both Done with Purpose, Openhearted, and with Thanksgiving. Genuinely Seeking the Lord Will Make One More Effective to Others--Those in the Church and Those in the World. Never Forget What Our Lord Jesus Did for Us, But Be Ever-Ready and Eager to Share the Good News of the Gospel with Everyone of Your Acquaintance.
What the New Year Can Bring
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Charles Lawson 01/01/2023 (SM) Exodus 12:1-2 Entering Into a New Year Brings Along: Opportunity, A Time of Reflection, and Maybe! the Second Coming of Christ. Also, Five Reasons Why America is Ready for the Anti-Christ.
Apostle Paul and The Law
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Charles Lawson 01/01/2023 (SN) Galatians 6:1 The Book of Galatians Establishes the Authority of Apostle Paul. Paul Would Confront Those That Insist Upon the Law When Abraham, the Father of the Faithful, Preceded Moses By Centuries. He Also Refutes Any Other Work That Man Would Try to Add to the Finished Work of Christ and Points Instead to a Consistent Walk in the Spirit.

December 2022

Anymore, Messages Below Are Available Only in Audio (MP3) Format. The Video Files Have Been Retired Because of Insufficient Space.
We Apologize for This Inconvenience. However, Pastor Chales Lawson's Messages Can Still Be Found in Video Format on
Audio Sermon -or- Pastor Charles Lawson.org

The Three Genealogies of Jesus Christ and Why the Virgin Birth Was Necessary
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Charles Lawson 12/25/2022 (SM) Matthew 1:16
Luke 3:23
The Conundrum Present in Matthew's Royal Genealogy Is Resolved by the Genealogy in Luke and Reinforced by the Virgin Birth (Which Was Necessary Anyway to Qualify Christ Jesus as Our Saviour). Also, a Peek at the Eternal Ramifications of Jesus' Incarnation as the GodMan.
-No Evening Service Today-   12/25/2022 (SN)  
People In The Bible Who Inspire
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Charles Lawson 12/18/2022 (SM) Jeremiah 9: 23-24

There Are Many Inspiring People in the Bible: Adam and His Self Sacrifice for Eve; Moses and How He Put His People Before Himself; Abraham and the Wisdom He Received from God; Joseph and His Forgiveness for His Brothers; Mary and Her Bravery; the Sinner Who Washed Jesus' Feet With Her Hair; the Leper Who Came Back and Thanked Jesus for Healing Him; Jesus and His Acts on The Cross.

Christmas Program
-No Audio Only-

Temple Children
Teens and Adults

12/18/2022 (SN)

"What To Give Jesus For Christmas?" & "Prophecies of Christmas"

The Birth of Christ Was On This Wise
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Charles Lawson 12/11/2022 (SM) Luke 1:26-33 The Announcement, The Interpretation, The Fulfillment, and The Rejoicing of the Birth of Jesus Christ. Also, a Reading of the Post-Civil War Poem, "O Little Town of Bethlehem," by Phillip Brooks.
Psalm 22 23 24 Trilogy
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Charles Lawson 12/11/2022 (SN) Psalm 22:1 In the Crucifixion Psalm (22), Jesus Is the Good Shepherd Who Gave His Life for His Sheep. He Became Sin for Us--Suffered Physically and Spiritually Such as We Cannot Comprehend. Jesus Is the Chief Shepherd in Psalm 23, Guiding the Sheep; and He Is the Great Shepherd in Psalm 24: Brought Forth from the Dead, Now the Victor. Recommendation of Spurgeon's Comprehensive Work, The Treasury of David.
Why Jesus' Incarnation
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Charles Lawson 12/04/2022 (SM) Luke 2:1-5 Reasons Why the Lord Jesus Christ Was Incarnate in Flesh--From the Fulfillment of Scripture to Destroying the Works of the Devil. The Ordinances of the Law were Nailed to the Cross and the Spirit of Christ Was Given to the Father. One of the Greatest Manifestations of God Was at the Cross.
Promises and Instruction
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Charles Lawson 12/04/2022 (SN) II Corinthians 4:5-18 We Get Comfort and Answers from the Bible Because It Is a Living Book. It Contains Many Promises, Both General and Specific. It Requires Careful (Prayerful) Reading, Lest We Take Things Out of Context. It Is a Solid Connection to Stay in Fellowship with the Lord, and a Realistic Look at How That Fellowship Works.

November 2022

Sent With Life and Light
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Charles Lawson 11/27/2022 (SM) John 7:37-39 During the Feast of Tabernacles, Water is Fetched From the Pool of Siloam. Siloam Means Sent, and Jesus Sent Apostles With Life and Light to Spread His Message. Mount Moriah Means, "God Sees and is Seen": God The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Inspirational Words of Travis Cottrell From the Lyrics of "Jesus Saves (Freedom's Calling)."
One Thing Thou Lackest
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Tom Berry 11/27/2022 (SN) Mark 10:17-22 The Rich Young Ruler Ran to Jesus, Knelt Before Him, Hailed Him as "Good Master," and Affirmed His Obedience to the Law. Jesus Answered Him; He Beheld Him in Love; Then, He Put His Finger on the Truth That Divulged the Young Man's Undeniable Choice.
Spirits of Baal, Astarte, and Molick
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Charles Lawson 11/20/2022 (SM) Matthew 12:43 Drawing from Jonathan Cahn's Book/Videos The Return of the Gods, Preacher Connects U.S. Cultural Events from the '60s and Since to the Return of the Dark Trinity: the Possessor, the Enchantress and the Destroyer. He Also Sites Scriptures Showing That the Thankfulness of One's Heart Is the Single Greatest Indicator of Their Spiritual Condition.
Observance of the Lord's Supper
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Charles Lawson 11/20/2022 (SN) I Corinthians 11:23-24 The Lord's Supper is a Memorial for the Ultimate Sacrifice Jesus Made for Us Until He Returns Again. This is a Blessing as God has Done Everything for Our Salvation.
Declare Unto You the Gospel
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Charles Lawson 11/13/2022 (SM) I Corinthians 15:1-8 Central to the Gospel Is the Resurrection of Christ from the Dead; and If Christ Be Not Risen--Preaching Is in Vain, You're Still in Your Sins. The Resurrection of Christ Proves--God Is [Exists], Christ Is Who He Claims to Be, He Is the Saviour of the World, and That He Gives Life. List of Post Resurrection Appearances. Because Jesus Was Dead and Is Now Alive for Evermore, He Is Fully Qualified to Do All That He Does in the Book of Revelation.
The Cloud and the Fire
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Charles Lawson 11/13/2022 (SN) I Corinthians 10:1-12 Over and Over Again in Scripture, God Reminds His People of How He Delivered Them Out of Egyptian Bondage. Paul Speaks, Too, of Five Special Revelations That Had Been Given to Israel. And He Tells the Corinthians That Journey of the Wanderers in the Wilderness Were Examples to Us. We Need to Take Heed.
The Crux of The Matter
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Charles Lawson 11/06/2022 (SM) Luke 23:33 At the Crucifixion, Christ Paid For Our Sins and Sealed Satan's Fate. When We Look Toward the Cross We See Many Different Aspects, Such As: An Innocent Man, Religious Blindness, Satanic Intervention, Mob Justice, Man's Fallen Nature, Love, and the Wisdom of God. We Should Pray for a Willingness to Learn and for God to Open Our Hearts and Minds.
Return Unto The Lord
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Rick Owens 11/06/2022 (SN) Isaiah 55:7 The Failure, Repentance, and Restoration as Illustrated by Simon Peter, The Church Member of Corinth, and the Prodigal Son.

October 2022

Blessed Is The Man That Feareth The Lord
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Cody Shew 10/30/2022 (SM) Psalm 128:1-6 Psalms 128 Focuses on the Fear of the Lord and is Directed Towards Men. Those Who Fear the Lord Will Be Blessed By God. In This Psalm, the Wife is Compared to a Fruitful Vine Which Symbolizes Prosperity, Maturity, and Growth. The Children Are Compared to Olive Plants Which Are One of the Slowest Fruit-Producing Plant. Blessings Extend Beyond a Home to the Hometown and to the Nation.
What Are We Going To Do With All His Power
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Cody Shew 10/30/2022 (SN) Acts 1:6-9 The Holy Ghost Dwells In The Heart and Empowers Those Who Are Saved. We Are Given This Power To Worship, To Work, and To Witness. This Passage Gives Us Four Exact Locations We Need To Witness, Jerusalem (Hometown), Judea (Province), Samaria (Nation), and the Uttermost Parts of the Earth. We Do Encounter Obstacles Within Churches Who Have Becomes Too Wordly or Too Religious.
Rightly Understanding The Bible
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Charles Lawson 10/23/2022 (SM) Isaiah 61:1-3 To Rightly Understand The Bible Involves Appropriate Interpretation and Correct Application. A Shining Example of This Is When Jesus Read Only So Much of Isaiah Chapter 61. Similarly, Isaiah 62 and 63 Are Put in Their Proper Settings; and the "Shout of The Lord, the Voice of the Archangel, and the Sound of the Trumpet of God" Correlated to Each of the Three Groups of People Addressed in Scripture--The Church, the Jew/the House of Israel, and the Gentiles at Large. Also, a Citation of John Phillip's Book, Exploring the Future.
The Peace of God
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Sam Ensor 10/23/2022 (SN)

Philippians 4:6-9

Peace Is Not, as World Thinks, the Absence of Conflict. Conflict Abounds, and Spiritual and Moral Warfare Is an Instrument Satan Uses to Spread Hopelessness So That God's People Give Up Spreading the Gospel. But in the Midst of All This Turmoil, You Can Know the Peace of God--But Only After You First Know Peace with God. The Inspiration al Story and Witness of H.G. Spafford.
The Character of God
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Charles Lawson 10/16/2022 (SM) Jeremiah 9:23-24 Philosophies and Power and Wealth Are What the World Regards as Precious. (Immutable, Unchanging) God Takes No Pleasure in the Destruction of the Wicked, But Joins Himself in His Heart to Humanity. And Only Mankind Can Respond Because Only Mankind Is Made in His Image.
Marvel Not "Ye Must Be Born Again"
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Charles Lawson 10/16/2022 (SN) John 3:5-7 Inspired and Consistent, the King James Translators Rendered the Same Greek Word, diathiki, as Covenant Regarding the Jews and Testament Regarding the Church. Other Examples of Progressive Revelation and the Crux of the Matter, Have You Been Born Again?
A Spiritual Confrontation
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Charles Lawson 10/09/2022 (SM) I Kings 19:1-3 Jehovah and Baal Had A Spiritual Confrontation on Mount Carmel. We Still See the Same Antagonism Going on at Various Sites Today: the Commonwealth Games; the Asteroid Apophis in Space; the Empire State Building; the White House, the Gotthard Tunnel; and the CERN Hadron Collider. Satan Is Working Hard for a One-World Government. We Ought Not Be Dismayed, But We Need to Keep Looking Up, for Our Redemption Draweth Nigh.
The Simplicity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
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Charles Lawson 10/09/2022 (SN)

I Corinthians 15:1-8
Acts 1:4-5

Most Succinct Summation of the Gospel Is Declared in First Corinthians: Speaking of Jesus' Death, Burial, and Resurrection "According to the Scriptures." While Browsing the Book of Acts from Start to End, We See How This Same Gospel Developed: Always Centered on the Person of Jesus Christ; Different Components Addressed or Refocused. The Positive Result for the Individual? A Personal Testimony.
Day of The Lord
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Tyler Blue 10/02/2022 (SM) II Peter 3:9-14 No One Except Jesus Knows the Day or the Hour When He Will Come Back. The Scripture Gives Us a Little Information About the Day of the Lord. We Are Told He Will Come As A Thief and All Testimonies Will Be Completed. We Need to Be Determined to Live Holy and Men Should Be Determined to Be the Spiritual Leader of the Home. Lastly, The Day of the Lord Will Be The Destruction of Those Left Behind.
Be a Workman on the Wall
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Tyler Blue 10/02/2022 (SN)

Nehemiah 1:2-3
Nehemiah 2:12-18

Upon Hearing the Bad Report of Jerusalem's Vulnerability, Nehemiah Was Burdened in Heart and Spirit, and So He (1) Prayed and (2) Had a Plan. He Executed His Plan. Ergo, He Had (3) Persecution. But, He Persevered--Stayed on the Wall--Because He Had a (4) Purpose.

September 2022

Contemporaries of Jesus, Presages of Today
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Charles Lawson 09/25/2022 (SM) John 18:29 Secular Authorities Have Historically Been Indifferent to Religion. But, to Quell the Mob and Maintain the Peace, Pilate Met the Demand of the Jewish Leaders Back Then. Now, Within the Past Twenty Years, Religious Tributes Are Conspicuously Anti-Christian: Kali on the Empire State Building, Shiva at the Hadron Collider, No-One's-Sure-What at the Gotthard Base Tunnel Opening. Finally, to Understand "Pisteuo"--Translated "Believe" in Both John 3:16 and James 2:19.
What Must We Do To Be Saved
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Charles Lawson 09/25/2022 (SN)

Acts 16:30-31
Luke 23:38-43

There Is a Common Misconception that Baptism is Necessary to Become Saved. Looking at the Story of the Thief on the Cross Who Believed in Jesus and Heaven, We See No Baptism Take Place. Yet Jesus Saved His Soul. The Lord Jesus Christ Is Salvation, and to Believe in Him and Trust in Him With Our Heart is the Key to Eternal Life.

The Anointing of David
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Charles Lawson 09/18/2022 (SM) I Samuel 16:11-13 Contrast the Anointing of David to be King with the Earlier Anointing of Saul. List of the Needy People That Were Drawn to David, and a Separate List of David's Mighty Men. Charisma or Talent Can Catapult a Person to the Top, But It Takes Character to Stay There. Satan's Greatest Weapon Is to Hide the True Character of God in Your Life.
Lost Sight of God
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Tom Berry 09/18/2022 (SN) II Timothy 3:1-11

These are Perilous Times--NOT Merely "Difficult"! When Men Lose Sight of God, They Go Crazy; and From There, They Will Do Whatever's Right in Their Own Eyes. Church, Preach Redemption Only by the Precious Blood of Christ Jesus. And People, Don't Dare Gamble with Your Eternity: Rather, Be Reconciled to God the [Only] Way He Told in His Word--by His Grace Through Your Faith in Jesus' Sacrificial Death Which Paid the Penalty for Your [for All, for Everybody's] Sin.

Living By Faith
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Charles Lawson 09/11/2022 (SM) Hebrews 11:1-2 Look at the Whole Hall of Faith Chapter: Definition of Faith, Particular Examples of Faith, Then the Summation of Faithful Living. Those Saints of Old Knew That Our Real Life, Our Real Living, Is in Heaven. And Now Contrast That with Our Present Culture and Shun That--Draw Nigh Unto God and Unto His Word.
Why Do Men Reject Jesus Christ?
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Charles Lawson 09/11/2022 (SN) Matthew 4:23-25 Looking Through Jesus' Life and Trying to Determine Why Men Might Reject Him. Taking Account of Other Religions Around the World and Their Thoughts and Beliefs About Jesus.
Go Back to the Father's House
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Bridger Bane 09/04/2022 (SM) Luke 15:11-13 The Younger of Two Sons Was Ungrateful, Disrespectful Towards His Father's Inheritance. He Used All His Money and Substance to Support Living In Sin, Then Had to Enslave Himself To Keep Up With His Habits. As the Son Finally Learns: We Will Never Find Peace in Sin as There is No Limit as to How Deep It Can Send Us.
Next Generation, Now Therefore Arise
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Bridger Bane 09/04/2022 (SN) Joshua 1:1-9 Moses Is Dead. And Now the Lord Speaks to Joshua, Son of Nun, Moses' Minister: Take the Children of Israel on into the Land Promised to Them. So, the Present Generation Is Required to Train the Next. For His Part, God Commands Joshua to Be Strong and Courageous, and He Promises Him to be with Him, Just as He Had with Moses.

August 2022






The Word Of God
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Charles Lawson 08/28/2022 (SM) John 1:1-5 The Eternal Word, the Written Word, and the Living Word. Scripture Cannot Be Broken. Scripture Is Alive.
Marks of Spiritual Maturity
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Charles Lawson 08/28/2022 (SN) II Peter 1:4-11 Add to Faith: Virtue, Then Knowledge, ... Temperance, ... Patience, ... Godliness, ... Brotherly Kindness and, Finally, Charity.O, But There Are Obstacles Along the Path. We Are Apt to Forget--How Tempting the World Is and How Truly Weak We Are (Fallen into Greed? Lust? Rebellion?). Then, We Meet Barzillai -- A Sterling Example of Spiritual Maturity and Humility.
Anything Between You And God?
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Charles Lawson 08/21/2022 (SM) Luke 18:9-14 The Pharisee and the Publican Both Went to the Temple: The Pharisee Praised God for His Status and Accomplishments; the Publican Cried and Repented of His Sinfulness Before the Holy God. Whether or Not There's a Change in the Aftermath Shows Up the Difference Between Real and False Repentance. Recollections of the Rod Being Applied for Chastening.
God Is Our Rock
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Charles Lawson 08/21/2022 (SN) Genesis 49:22-24 Numerous Scriptures Throughout the Whole Bible That Speak of God (As Our Shepherd and) As Our Rock. The Cornerstone of a Building is the First Stone Laid and Can Refer to the Capstone, the Last Stone Laid. In the End, The Stone Cut Out of the Mountain Will Utterly Pulverize the Gentile Kingdoms of the World.
God Will Judge
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Charles Lawson 08/14/2022 (SM) Isaiah 1:1

In Babylon, They Tried to Change the Name/Identity of the Children of Israel; to Change Their Diet; and to Change Their God. Daniel (Whose Name Means "God Will Judge") Stayed Faithful--and God Did Judge: Israel, Babylon, The Wise Men of Babylon, the Fiery Furnace, Nebuchadnezzar, and the Spirit World. ...Lest You be Judged--Receive the Gospel of the Grace of God.

Forgetting Those Things Which Are Behind
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Rick Owens 08/14/2022 (SN) Philippians 3:13-14 Paul, the Self-proclaimed "Chiefest of Sinners" as Well as the Reluctant "Foolish" Boaster, Was the One Who Penned Those Instructions to "Forget Those Things That Are Behind" in Favor of the Living in Fellowship with Christ Jesus in the Present and Pressing On to Eternity. There's an Exception, Though, to the Maxim to Not Be Looking Back....
The Unchangeable High Priest
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Richard Harper 08/07/2022 (SM) Hebrews 7:22-25 Unlike Earthly High Priests Who Are Sinners and Die, Our Savior and High Priest, Jesus, is Undying, Unchangeable, Undefeatable, Universal, Undefiled, and Unselfish.
Improving Your Prayer Life
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Richard Harper 08/07/2022 (SN) Luke 11:1-13 In a Church Service, We've Come to Expect Singing and Preaching and Praying. Singers and Preachers Rehearse and Prepare, But How to Have a Better Prayer Life? One of the Disciples Asked Jesus That Question. And Brother Harper Expounds Upon the Model Prayer and Illustrations That Jesus Used in Answering.

July 2022

Types of Christ
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Charles Lawson 07/31/2022 (SM) John 5:36-39 Christ is Found Throughout the Old Testament in Type. A Survey of Some of the Principle Men Who Are Types of Christ and a Discussion of a Couple of the Pits Associated With Them Brings Us to a Graphic Picture of Christ's Sacrifice at Calvary. And the Crisis For the Sinner is Then: Will You Reject This Gift of Love?
A Recipe For Failure
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Charles Lawson 07/31/2022 (SN) Proverbs 3:5-6 Three Common Objects We Are Inclined to Trust Which Will Let Us Down Every Time. Further Look At The Son of Man Dying on The Cross. Incidents of Failure Are Too Often Compounded By Suicide.
Living Outside His View
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Heath Williams 07/24/2022 (SM) Luke 22:54-62 We as Christians Have a Tendency to Excuse Ourselves From the Word of God, but We See With Peter That Our Small Actions Have Major Consequences. Peter Left: He Started to Get Lofty, Lengthy in His Distance From God, and Loose with His Denials. God Found Him: He Looked Toward Peter with Gentle Complexion, He Was Generous in His Call, and He Was Gracious.
Being An Unsung Hero
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Heath Williams 07/24/2022 (SN) I Kings 18:3-9 There Are Mamaws in the Kitchen and There is the Story of Obadiah Who Feared God and He Hid the Prophets of God From Ahab. There is a Stark Contrast Between the Renowned Prophet Elijah and the Unknown Obadiah. Obadiah Feared God, His Focus Was Relentless, and His Faith Was Rewarded. To Wrap it Up, We Learn the Rest of Obadiah's Story.
The Opening Up Into Eternity
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Charles Lawson 07/17/2022 (SM) Revelations 21:9-14 Revelation is the Unveiling--the Revealing--of Things Coming from Their Beginnings Into Eternity: Including the Sacrificial Lamb of God, Gehenna, Satan and His Angels, Mankind, and the New Jerusalem.
Trading Earthy for Heavenly
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Sam Ensor 07/17/2022 (SN) 1 Corinthians 15:45-58 The Flesh Is Not Equipped for Heaven; Has No Capacity for the Supernatural; Fights For Every Breath. So, In Order for You to Go to Heaven, There Has to be a Mysterious Exchange: This Corruptible Must Put on Incorruption and This Mortal Must Put on Immortality.
Judgment of The Lamb
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Charles Lawson 07/10/2022 (SM) Revelations 1:9-20 The Revelation of Jesus Christ Begins with a Glorified Christ Standing Amidst His Churches. Them He Judges First. Then, As the Lamb of God, He Will Judge the Gods of This World. And, As the Lamb of God, He Has Earned the Right to Open the Seals....
The Blood of The Lamb
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Charles Lawson 07/10/2022 (SN) John 1:29 The Lamb of God Served as the Sacrifice for All of Man's Sin so That We Can Be Free. Jesus Knew Why He Was Sent to Die and He Shed His Blood on the Cross to Protect Each and Every One of Us For Without Blood There Is No Remission of Sins.
Privilege of the Firstborn
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Charles Lawson 07/03/2022 (SM) Exodus 4:22-23 List of the Firstborns from God to Jacob. Significance of Christ Being the Firstborn and For Us Being the Church of the Firstborn. Our Country's Grounding on Freedoms Deemed "Inalienable Rights from God" and a Lament That People No Longer Fear God nor Believe in Hell.
The Bible Doctrine of Election
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Charles Lawson 07/03/2022 (SN) Ephesians 1:4 When There Was No Time or Place, God Was. There Are Several Times 'The Elect' is Referenced in the Word of God - but This Does Not Necessarily Have to Do With Salvation. Quotation From Contradictory Sermon By Deacon Dixon.

June 2022

The Lamb of God, Continued
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Charles Lawson 06/26/2022 (SM) Revelations 5:6 The Lamb of God is Fully Revealed in Revelation: His Appearance, His Worthiness, His Offices, and His Righteousness.
Comparison of Isaiah and Revelation
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Charles Lawson 06/26/2022 (SN) Isaiah 6:1-7 Isaiah Has a Vision of the Glory of God and of Both the Reigning Messiah and the Suffering Messiah. The Book of Revelations Tells the Rest of the Prophecy and Gives us a Preliminary Understanding of the Righteousness of the Son of God and the Lamb of God.
The Lamb of God
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Charles Lawson 06/19/2022 (SM) Genesis 1:1 Progressive Revelation of The Lamb From Essential Sacrificial Animal to Enthroned and Reigning Son of God.
Be Ye Stedfast In The Faith
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Rick Owens 06/19/2022 (SN) 1 Corinthians 15:58 Webster 1828 Defines Stedfast as Firmly Fixed, Established, and Constant. To Be Stedfast We Must Follow What is Right in Our Hearts and Turn From Worldly Things. Be Stedfast and Unmovable in God's Word as We All Have a Calling to Witness to Others.
Gird Up The Loins of Your Mind
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Randy Bane 06/12/2022 (SM) 1 Peter 1:13-16 Cinching Our Belt Tighter to Facing the Battles Before Us.
The Hurting Soldier
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Randy Bane 06/12/2022 (SN) 1 Kings 19:1-8 Following thee Phenomenal Victory on Mount Carmel, Elijah Left of Living by Faith and, Instead, Looked Around at What He Saw--Which All Wounded Him in Spirit and in Heart. Step by Step, The Lord Built Him Back Up and Let Him Who Had Been Defeated to Continue in Service.
When In Trials, Let God Finish
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Sam Ensor 06/05/2022 (SM) Job 29:2-7

Job Suffered Catastrophic Loss; He Longed for Better Times as in the Past. But After His Trial Was Finished, His Ending Was Better Than His Beginning. Quotation of Poem, The Captain's Daughter, by James T. Fields

Call To Discernment
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Caleb Wilson 06/05/2022 (SN) Luke 13:1-5

Jesus Was Teaching to the Jews Using Their Current Situation. They Spent A Lot of Time at His Feet, Yet Were Quick to Judge Others Without Discerning Their Own Heart. Following God Leads to Life, While Following Unrighteous Men Leads to Death. Where Are You at in Your Walk With God?

May 2022

Biblical History of Mount Moriah
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Charles Lawson 05/29/2022 (SM) Genesis 2:4-7 Man Was Formed from the Dust of the Ground, and God Breathed Life Into Man's Nostrils Making Man Connected to God Like No Other. A Look Throughout Biblical History on the Significance of Mount Moriah. in Modern Day, Keeping an Eye on Israel and The Temple Mount, We Can See The Scripture Unfold Before Our Eyes.
A Testimony From The United Kingdom
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Charles Lawson 05/29/2022 (SN) Romans 8:16 Pastor Shares an Excellent Testimony From a Woman in the U.K. Including Her Life Before Salvation and Her Journey Since Salvation.
Salvation For Your Life
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Charles Lawson 05/22/2022 (SM) Hebrews 7:20-25 Jesus Saves Us to the Uttermost. The First Birth is the First Step, From There "He Ever Liveth to Intercede," and This Enables Us to Live Out Our Lives [in This World] Victoriously. List of What He is Saving Us from in This World; List of How to Tell if You Are Being Devoured by Satan; and a List of Tips of What to Refocus Your Mind On.
Fellowship With God In Prayer
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Charles Lawson 05/22/2022 (SN) Matthew 6:9-13 Fellowship With God Is What We Need Most, Prayer Is How We Fellowship With Him. A Christian Life Without Prayer Means No Joy, No Victory, and No Fellowship. He Knows Your Heart, Be Needful of God and Pray With Your Heart.
Wisdom For The Season We Are In
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Dean McNeese 05/15/2022 (SM) Genesis 14:14 Abram Took 318 Armed, Trained Servants That Were Born in His Own House to Rescue Lot From Sodom. The Number 18 is the Number of Bondage in the KJV Bible. Four Times the Number 300 is Used Within the Bible to Teach us to Walk With God, Use God's Weapons, Build Our Lives in God's Way, and Be a Godly Warrior.
Making Decisions
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Dean McNeese 05/15/2022 (SN) Genesis 13:13 More on Bible Numerology, Specifically on Numbers 13 and 14. Remarkable How Much The Decisions Made By Lot and Abram Resemble Tares and Wheat.

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Charles Lawson 05/08/2022 (SM) II Timothy 3:15
II Timothy 1:5
Facets of Motherhood: The Training Timothy Received From His Mother and Grandmother. Observations that Jewish Parents Have of Their Growing Children. Some Examples in Scripture of Mothers; Words of Wisdom For Mothers and Quotes About Mothers.
Wait Patiently on The Lord
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Tom Berry 05/08/2022 (SN) Psalm 40:1-9 Progression Out of the Struggle in Miry Clay Down in the Pit of Despair. Seek The Lord and Listen for Him. He Hears Our Cry. He Will Bring Complete Trust, Love, Praise, Deliverance and Strength Through His Word.

Seared Conscience
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Charles Lawson 05/01/2022 (SM) John 3:19 A Look Into the Different Issues of Condemnation, Attitude, and Identity. People Who Reject the Light and Choose to Stay in the Darkness Have a Seared Conscience. In This Generation, Young People Face Peer Pressure From Every Direction. The Only Thing in This World That Stays the Same is The Lord.

The Prodigal Son
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Sam Ensor 05/01/2022 (SN) Luke 15:11-24 An Old, Familiar Story: Brought Home and Made Personal

April 2022

The Religion of the Anti-Christ
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Charles Lawson 04/24/2022 (SM) Matthew 24:15 Contrast of the Old, Universal Religion of the Anti-Christ With the Only Way to God By Faith in the Finished Work of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Citing Milestones of the Tribulation Period Including the Catastrophic Ending to the Time of the Gentiles, Rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem, Preaching of the Two Witnesses, and the Empowerment of the Anti-Christ.

Seven Men Who Rule the World from the Grave
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Charles Lawson 04/24/2022 (SN) Psalm 11:3 The Title and List Is from the Book by Dave Breese: Each of These Men (Charles Darwin, Julius Wellhausen, John Dewey, Sigmund Freud, John Maynard Keynes, Soren Kierkegaard and Karl Marx) Were Proponents of Edgy Philosophies That Have Had a Continuing Influence and Which Tend to Detract from Godly Principles and the Truth of Jesus Christ.

The Man Who Rose From The Dead
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Charles Lawson 04/17/2022 (SM) Exodus 12:12-23 In the Beginning of Months God Instituted the Passover. Even Today in Celebrating the Seder, an Empty Chair and Empty Cup Are Set Awaiting Elijah. All According to Scripture, the Gospel of Christ is Rehearsed Early in 1 Corinthians 15, Which Goes on to Describe the Return of Jesus Christ and Even the Mystery of the Catching Away.

Watched Him There
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Dewey Caldwell 04/17/2022 (SN) Matthew 27:33-36 Telling Are The Words and Actions Of Our Lord and Savior While On the Cross and Even Beforehand in the Garden and at the Last Supper. Jesus Accomplished What He Was Sent Here To Do and Took Our Curse Upon Himself. Three Days Later the Tomb Was Empty - For He Is Risen!

First Coming: The Death of Christ
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Charles Lawson 04/10/2022 (SM) Zechariah 9:9 A Look at Passion Week and Its Foundation in Passover. The Cross of Christ Became the Tree of Life. Satan Takes Steps to Ruin the Soul of Man Starting in Temptation and Ending in Destruction in Hell.

Second Coming: The Blessed Hope
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Charles Lawson 04/10/2022 (SN) Matthew 10:5-8 Careful Comparison Between the "Synoptic" Gospels and the Gospel of John Resolves Apparent Discrepancies in Their Accounts of the End Times and When Christ Shall Come Again. In Short, the Second Coming Is in Phases; Some of It Is Plainly Proclaimed, But Another Part of It Had Been Hidden (a "Mystery"): Without Context and Very Personal.

In The Midst Of Adversity
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Greg Lentz 04/03/2022 (SM) II Timothy 3:1-13 We Are Witnessing More and More Prophecies Come to Pass and Satan is Getting More Desperate as His Time is Running Short. It is Important That We as Christians and as a Church Shine as a Lighthouse in the Dark. In These Times We are Closer Than Ever to the Return of Christ and we Must: Continue in the Way, Continue the Walk of Faith, Continue in the Will of God, Continue in the Work, Continue in the Witness, and Continue in the Worship.

Fall Back In Love With Christ
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Greg Lentz 04/03/2022 (SN) Revelations 2:1-5 The Church of Ephesus Seemed Like a Perfect Place of Worship, as It Was a Serving Church, Steadfast Church, and a Separate Church. However, the Church Left its First Love. Today, We Can Lose Our Awe in Whom We Are Serving and Fall Out of Love with Christ. How Do We Get Back? We Must: Remember Where We Left Him, Repent to Him, and Return to Him. If We Love God With All of Our Heart, He Will Take Care of Us.

March 2022

Things The Cross Reveals
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Charles Lawson 03/27/2022 (SM) Isaiah 53:1-6
Psalm 22
In The Old Testament, Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22 a Picture is Painted of Our Savior During Crucifixion. In the New Testament, Paul Explains the Significance of Christ's Sacrificial Death.

What You're Going To Do, Do Quickly
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Dennis 03/27/2022 (SN) Obadiah 1:10-15 The Edomites Were Hated By God Because They Despised Their Birthright; They Had the Opportunity to Help and Did Not: They Just Stood By and Watched. We as Christians Can Either Spread the Word of God or Standby and Watch. Will You Act as the Edomites and Forsake What the Lord Has Done?

God Knows
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Keith Allison 03/20/2022 (SM) Psalm 147:1-5 Detailed Exposition of the Omniscience of God--Particularly and Sublimely: the Numerous Ways God Knows the Heart.

According To Your Faith
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Keith Allison 03/20/2022 (SN) Matthew 9:27-31 Three Things Occurred to Heal Two Blind Men of Their Sight: They Cried Out Their Faith, They Confessed Their Faith, and They Were Cured Because of Their Faith. Faith is Established by What God Has Said and Is Based on Revelation.
The Power of One Person
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Charles Lawson 03/13/2022 (SM) Luke 9:51-56 Old Testament Law, That Was Brought By Moses, Was Broken When God Sent Jesus Christ to Die On The Cross For Our Sins. Jesus Brought Grace and Truth So We May Be Able to Fellowship With God and Cast Our Burdens Onto Him.
Fight the Good Fight
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Charles Lawson 03/13/2022 (SN) II Timothy 4:1-8 At the End of Apostle Paul's Life, He Referred to His Christian Life In the Past, Present, and Future: As a Fight, As a Race and Forthcoming Reward. We As Christians Constantly Have To Pray, Watch, and Be Equipped With the Whole Armor of God. Our Mind Is a Battlefield and Satan Seeks to Destroy Our Mind.
Preludes to the Antichrist
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Charles Lawson 03/06/2022 (SM) Ezekiel 38:1-6 The Russian Mindset Behind Putin's War and Specific Traits of the Man of Peace Who Will--Sooner or Later--Be Welcomed by the World.
Mardi Gras, Religion of The Flesh
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Charles Lawson 03/06/2022 (SN) John 4:22 Think You Can Party One Day and Be Right With God The Next? Not! That is a Colossal and Pervasive Deception, Seen Starkly With The Contrast of Mardi Gras and Ash Wednesday. But If Your Sins Still Bother You--Good! Come Unto The Lord, Receive of Him Forgiveness, Salvation, Eternal Life.

Febuary 2022

Thankful Unto God
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Charles Lawson 02/27/2022 (SM) Psalm 100:4-5 God Lists Unthankfulness and Unholiness as Hallmarks of These Last Days. Indeed, Thankfulness Is a True Indication of a Person's Character. Positive Examples Include: Job, Joseph, Jesus Christ, the Samaritan Leper; and (More Recently) Eddie Rickenbacker and Tom Renfro.
Secret For Getting A Blessing From God
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Tom Berry 02/27/2022 (SN) Luke 6:6-10 Different Circumstances Can Cause Us to Get Disconnected from God. If We Do Not Reach Out to Him We Will Not Be Fruitful and Without Him We Can Do Nothing. Stand Up and Rise to Him, Do Not Stay Where You Are and Do Not Let Your Circumstances Knock You Down.
God's Eternal Purpose
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Charles Lawson 02/20/2022 (SM) Titus 1:1-2 Understanding the "World" and "Eternity" and the "Wisdom of God." In Time, Jesus Christ Authored God's Eternal Plan of Salvation. God Purposed From Eternity Past That Man Would be an Eternal Creature so Every Decision You Make in this World has Eternal Consequences.
Teach Others Also
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John Beck 02/20/2022 (SN) II Timothy 2:2
Matthew 28:19-20
As Born-Again Disciples of Our Lord Jesus Christ, We Should Train Up Our Children, of Course. And Others Who are Open to Learning Should be Taught: The Ordinances and Laws of God; To Fear God; How to Handle Disputes; To Crucify Ourselves Daily; and To Have Compassion Upon the Multitudes.
Belief in God of the Bible
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Charles Lawson 02/13/2022 (SM) John 4:24 A List and Description of Our Belief in God, in Creation; that Sin is the Problem; Salvation is Complete; and Satan and Hell Are Real.
How Do We Love
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Charles Lawson 02/13/2022 (SN) II Samuel 3:2-5 Amnon Loved His Half-Sister Tamar; Absalom Also Loved Tamar. David Loved Absalom Much Like God Loves Us.
Revival In Your Very Soul
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Caleb Wilson 02/06/2022 (SM) Psalm 85:6-8 Components of Revival: The People Who Need Revival; Wrong Reasons People Have for Wanting Revival; Repentance/Revival; and the Fruit of Revival.
The Night God Let the Ladder Down
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Sam Ensor 02/06/2022 (SN) Genesis 28:10-22 How It Was the God Loved Jacob and Hated Esau. Jacob Received All Blessings, No Reproof. More Examples of the Providential Hand of God. The Direct Connection Between This Passage and John 1:51. Finally, Summation of the Lessons We Can Take From This--the Blessings of God Lie in Total Surrender.

January 2022

The Heart of God
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Charles Lawson 01/30/2022 (SM) Hosea 1:1-9 As Gomer Was Helpless, Awaiting to be Sold Into Slavery: So Are We. Hosea Paid the Price to Redeem Her as Our Lord Jesus Christ Paid the Ultimate Price for Us. God is Holy and Righteous, Yet He Executes Mercy and Restores Us Unto Himself. God Will Take the Pit We Put Ourselves Into and There He Will Open Up a Door of Hope.
God's Wilderness Confrontation with Israel
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Charles Lawson 01/30/2022 (SN) Hosea 2:14-17 Prophecies Given In Hosea Tie into Revelation and Explain How That God Will Be Married to Israel Again. But First, He Must Address Some of Her Issues.... So, Again It Is Shown That Israel Is the Central Point of the Bible--Key to Understanding Scripture.
Cross of Calvary/Tree of Life
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Charles Lawson 01/23/2022 (SM) I Corinthians 1:17 Opposing Perspectives of the Cross: An Instrument of Death; an Illustration of Man's Depravity; the Expression of the Hatred of Man to God; and the End of It All. Various Motives from Multiple People for Christ's Crucifixion. Lastly, the Example of Grounded Eagles Offered Food by Other Eagles--a Pattern to Encourage Despairing Brethren in the Lord.
Your All-Important Attitude
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Tom Berry 01/23/2022 (SN) Philippians 2:5-11, 13 You Cannot Walk Nor Work for the Lord with the Wrong Attitude. The Wrong Attitude Affords Satan a Stronghold to Ruin Your Life--Makes One Miserable and Off-putting to Both the World and the Church. Rather, Be Rooted in Christ; Complete in Him; Hidden in Him--That's the Way to the Right Attitude.

Living in the Offering Plate
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Audio is good.
(Video is smaller)

Tom Gilliam 01/16/2022 (SM) Hebrews 13:7
Deuteronomy 31:6

John Gibson Paton, A Missionary to the New Hebrides Islands Suffered Great Loss Within These Cannibalistic Islands. Deuteronomy 31:6 Led Him to Return to the Islands (Baptized With the Blood of Martyrs) to Practice Courage for the Land and to Not Be Afraid. Can We Step Into the Offering Plate and Give the Whole of Ourselves?

The Unrelenting One-Note Minister
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Tom Gilliam 01/16/2022 (SN) Hebrews 13:7
Psalms 119:116
Unpacking the Life of William Tyndale, the First Person to Give the English People an English Bible. He Translated Over 80% of Our King James Bible That We Have Today.
Destroying The Image of God
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Charles Lawson 01/09/2022 (SM) Joshua 9:1-2 When Israel Entered the Promised Land, They had to Destroy the Canaanites--Not Merely for Their Occupancy, But Because of Their False Gods. Their Worship Practices and the Doctrines of Devils Are Unchanged, Even in This Time Now. As Satan Thought to Destroy the Lineage of the Messiah, He Is Now Ramping Up Measures to Destroy the Seed of Men and Thereby the Image of God in Man.
The Sinner
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Charles Lawson 01/09/2022 (SN) Genesis3:12 Sinners, At Times, Are Guilty of Passing the Buck; Refusing Responsibility; Playing the Hypocrite; Covering Up Their Sins; Declaring a Hollow, Selfish Confession; and Opportunely Trying to Gain from Another's Loss. The Received Sinner Is Truly Contrite, Fully Conscious of His Offense to God and of His Despicable Nature, and Comes Humbly, Pleading for Mercy, to the Lord Jesus--the Friend of Sinners and Then Their Saviour.
From Birth to Ascension
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Charles Lawson 01/02/2022 (SM) Matthew 2:1-2 The Religious People in Christ's Day Wanted Him to Fail at All Cost, Legitimizing Their Wrong. No Matter What the Heretics Tried to Do in Opposition to Our Lord, Our Saviour Asked His Father to Forgive Them. There is No Blindness Like Religious Blindness.
Kisses Throughout the Bible
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Charles Lawson 01/02/2022 (SN) Genesis 29:13-14 Different Types of Kisses Were Given Throughout the Bible, Such as Deception, Love, Gratitude, Betrayal, Repentance, and Reconciliation.

December 2021

One Offering Perfected
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Charles Lawson 12/26/2021 (SM) Hebrews 10:5 Reasons That God Gave the Lord Jesus Christ a Body: Reveal the Father; Defeat Satan by Destroying the Power of Death; and to Endure Suffering and Poverty in Order to Come to Our Aide in Battle. He Experienced All These For Us.
In These Dark, Painful, Troubled Times...
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Rick Owens 12/26/2021 (SN) II Timothy 3:1 What We Need to Do in These Perilous, Dark, Painful, Troubled Days That We Live in Today. Even Though Daniel Was Taught the Ways of the World During His Captivity, He Refused to Defile Himself With the Evil Surrounding Him. He Shared His Burdens With the Lord and With His Companions. They Prayed, Trusted Him and Stood Firm. God Is Able and God Comes Through.
The Glory of God
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Charles Lawson 12/19/2021 (SM) Matthew 2:1-2 Part of the Glory of God Can be Seen, Part of It Cannot Be Seen. The Glory of God Is Seen When He Filled the Temple with His Thick Darkness; When the Holy Ghost Left the Temple; When God Led His People Through the Wilderness with the Cloud by Day and the Pillar of Fire by Night; and in the Burning Bush That Moses Saw. It Was the Power of the Holy Ghost Which Over Shadowed Mary That the Virgin Should Conceive.
Christmas Program
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  12/19/2021 (SN) Churchwide Production of Play, "If I Had Not Come..."
Bethlehem Ephratah
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Charles Lawson 12/12/2021 (SM) Micah 5:1-2 Bethlehem is Cited, of Course, as the Birthplace of the Messiah. Three Other Ties to Bethlehem: the Place Which Naomi Left During a Time of Famine; the Place Where Rachel Died Giving Birth to Benoni/Benjamin; and the Place From Which David Longed for a Sup of Water. Also, a Wartime Poem by Thomas Kettle.
Light Sent
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Charles Lawson 12/12/2021 (SN) Luke 2:1 If You Receive the Light You're Given, You'll Be Given More Light. Mention of the Menorah: Seven Candles Originally; the Candle in the Center Is Called the Servant and Lights All the Others. The Seven Golden Candlesticks of the Churches in Revelation--When They Are Gone, the World Will Be in Utter Darkness and Besieged with Deception After Deception.
We War
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Charles Lawson 12/05/2021 (SM) II Corinthians 10:3-6 The Nature of War, the Reasons for War, and Our Greatest Weapon Against Satan, Our Adversary
David In the Darkness
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Tom Berry 12/05/2021 (SN) Psalm 143:1-12 With God Loving David and David Loving God, How Did David Wind Up in Darkness Anyway? And (Rather Than Getting Angry with God or Running From Him), What Did David Do in His Situation? In the End, It Brought David to Where God Wanted Him.

November 2021

Not Everybody Is Going To Heaven
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Chad Oody 11/28/2021 (SM) Matthew 7:13-15 With Only Two Options, Be Certain, We Will Exist Somewhere When We Die. Living the Way of the Flesh is the Broad Way. You Cannot Travel the Broad Way and Get to Heaven. The Narrow Way is Not the Easy Way But There is a Huge Difference Between the Two. Jesus Has Given Us the Invitation to Enter in at the Strait Gate.

So, You've Messed Up - Now What?
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(Very Poor Audio)

Chad Oody 11/28/2021 (SN) Joshua 10:6-14 When Joshua Messed Up By Not Seeking Guidance From the Lord, He Admitted It to the Lord and Started Again on the Right Path. In Return God Gave Joshua a Word.. By That Joshua Was Encouraged to Go All Out But When He Ran Out of Time, He Called Upon the Lord and the Lord Delivered Him in a Mighty Way. Just Because You Mess Up Doesn't Mean That Your Best Day is Not Ahead.
Three Things Related
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Charles Lawson 11/21/2021 (SM) Isaiah 51:1-3 Jesus and His Salvation is Our Foundation and Life. He Brought Us Out of a Pit and Now We Can Offer the Praise of Thanksgiving in Return to Him. History of the Church of England and Thanksgiving and Mention of Squanto's Last Words.
Nicodemus' Question
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Sam Ensor 11/21/2021 (SN) John 3:1-12 Jesus Told Nicodemus, "Ye Must Be Born Again," and Nicodemus Grappled With That and Finally Blurted, "How Can These Things Be?" Hearken Back to God's Creation of Man in His Own Image and the Day When Adam Sinned and Died, Necessitating a New Birth for the Dead Spirit (Which Adam Also Passed On to All of His Children).
When Ye Pray
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Charles Lawson 11/14/2021 (SM) Matthew 6:9-13 Consider The Lord's Prayer: the Presumption of a Prayer Life; Reasons for Praying; Occasions on Which Jesus Prayed; Addressing Our Prayer to "Our Father"; and Calling Upon the Lord.
Evil, Sin and Sinners
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Charles Lawson 11/14/2021 (SN) Acts 11:26
John 8:44
Why the Gospel of John--Last Gospel Written--Is the Single Best Book for All the Christians in This Age of Grace. Then, Understanding the Origination of Evil and Sin in the Heart of a Perfect, Beautiful Creature; How Satan for His Iniquity and Fallen Angels for Their Choices Differ from Mankind with Our Sinful Nature. Yet, Man, Too, Is Capable of Evil.
Judgment In Noah's Time, Judgment Coming
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Bridger Bane 11/07/2021 (SM) Hebrews 11:7
Luke 17:26-27
During the Days of Noah, Evil Was Constantly in the Sight of God. God Brought Judgment Through the Flood. Afterward the Covenant Was Given. So Is It Today! Wickedness is Rampant; God's Judgment is Coming; But His Precious Son is Still the Open Door to Salvation: Open to Whosoever - Not Whensoever.
A Fiery Tribulation
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Bridger Bane 11/07/2021 (SN) Daniel 3:12-30 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego Stood With the Truth and Would Not Compromise Their Strong Belief and Trust in God. They Were Determined to Serve God Even to Death. They Knew They Were Not Alone in the Fiery Furnace. A Plea to Our Youth of Today to Be as These Hebrews: Stand Firm; Don't Compromise; Be Determined; and Don't Surrender.

October 2021

Christ Jesus, Better In Every Way
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Charles Lawson 10/31/2021 (SM) Hebrews 1:1-4 Jesus Compared to Moses and Abraham, and the Crucifixion Overlaid Upon the Sacrifice of the Passover. What to Do If You Are Just Not Sure You Have Been Saved.
"I'm Not Deceived, He Is"
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Eric Nafziger 10/31/2021 (SN) Romans 7:11 "Let No Man Deceive You." "Let No Man Deceive Himself." The Author of Deception and Father of Lies Did Not Approach Adam Directly But Went Through Adam's Bride--Same As He Does With the Second Adam(!). Final Point: the Religious Leaders of the Church of the Day Did Not Recognize the Lord Jesus Christ When He Showed Up. Same Again?!
Paul Before Felix
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Charles Lawson 10/24/2021 (SM) Acts 24:1-9 Bible Descriptions of Our Human Nature and of Various Conditions of Conscience. Particular Look at Herod The Great and His Heirs.
No Recordings of This Service   10/24/2021 (SN) Rebroadcast of - Judgments - from SN 07.25.2021
The Elements of Life
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Charles Lawson 10/17/2021 (SM) Hebrews 11:6 Looking at Real People In the Real World and Matters of Death, Obedience, Choices, and Faith Not Validated In This Life.
Didn't Know You'd Been Visited
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Dewey Caldwell 10/17/2021 (SN) Luke 19:41-44 Early in Genesis, God Warns That His Spirit Shall Not Always Strive With Man. "Strive" Means to Plead. It Also Means to Come by Force. Scripture Offers Invitation After Invitation; Yet in the Ear-Tickling Churches of Our Age, It Is Estimated That as Many as 77% of Those People Are Not Born Again. Even as King Agrippa--Knowing Better--Resisted Paul's Reasoned Argument. No One Knows When Will Be [Your] Soul's Last Night.
The Right Mind: the Mind of Christ
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Charles Lawson 10/10/2021 (SM) John 19:17-18 Jesus Bore His Cross and Was Crucified: List of People Who Actually Deserved Crucifixion; List of "Crimes" Christ Did; List of Witnesses to his Crucifixion; and Those Responsible For Him Being Crucified. Christ on the Cross Felt Our Sin, Dealt With It, and Defeated It. As His Born Again Children, We Must Come Around to God's Perspective, By Letting the Mind of Christ Be in Us.
Qualifications for the Field
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Mitch Tillman 10/10/2021 (SN) II Timothy 2:1-2 Update and Look Back on the Missions Founded by the Tillmans with Special Attention to the Requisite Characteristics of a Fieldhand for Christ
The Cross
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Charles Lawson 10/03/2021 (SM) John 19:17-19 Atonement Was Made on the Cross and Salvation Brought to Mankind. The Cross Also Presented From the Perspective of Man, of Satan, and of God. The Tabernacle in the Old Testament is a Type of the Cross of Calvary in Every Way.
Saved But Vexed
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John Beck 10/03/2021 (SN) II Peter 2:7-8 Only By These Verses Do We Know That Lot Was a Righteous Man, for Step by Step He Withdrew from the Godly Influence of Abraham and Consorted with the Wicked--to the Detriment of Himself, His Wife, His Daughters and Sons-in-law, and to the Whole City. But, 3900 Years Later.... Are We Any Better?

September 2021

The Ascension of Christ
Video is fixed now
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Charles Lawson 09/26/2021 (SM) Acts 1:1-11 Jesus Christ Ascended into Heaven as The Lamb of God (Even as He Had Come from Heaven); as Victor, King of Kings; and as the King of Glory. O! What Glory! And We Need to Preach of a Glorified Saviour, the Son of God, Because He Is Even Now Glorified. (This We Know Because He Has Sent Us His Holy Spirit.)
Doctrine of Hell
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Charles Lawson 09/26/2021 (SN) Deuteronomy 32:22 A Bible Word Study About Hell Throughout Scripture: Sheol (as a location); Gehenna; Hades (Unseen State of the Dead Which Has Two Parts); Hell (Being in Torment); Descent Into the Lower Parts of the Earth; Judgment of Mankind Throughout History With Some Entering Into the Lake of Fire (the Everlasting Fire Prepared for Satan and His Angels). How to Know That You Have Eternal Life.
Joseph's Prison of Sufficiency
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Tom Gilliam 09/19/2021 (SM) Psalm 105:16 Joseph's Is the First of Five Prison Situations Told in Scripture. In Every Prison, the Door Knob Is on the Outside. You Cannot Get Yourself Out; You Must Wait for the Lord to Let You Out. At the Same Time, "You Are Never Free From Prison Till You Are Free In It."
Paul and Silas' Prison of Singing
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Tom Gilliam 09/19/2021 (SN) Acts 16:13-30 How We Respond During Our Troubles Tells Others a Lot About Ourselves. When Paul and Silas Were in Prison, They Sang Aloud Until the Prisoners Heard; the Earth Quaked; and the Keeper Was Brought to Salvation Through Song. "Are We Singing and Praising Loud in Our Prisons"? ...Luther Bridges' Song in the Wake of His Personal Tragedy.
An Encounter With God
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Charles Lawson 09/12/2021 (SM) John 4:4-10 When Jesus Spoke With the Woman at the Well, He Said, "If Thou Knewest the Gift of God and Who It Is That Saith to Thee...," and He Offered Her Living Water. That was Something That the Samaritans Didn't Know About Because They Had Rejected the Writings of the Prophets.
No Recordings of This Service   09/12/21 (SN) Rebroadcast of - Deception Coming Down - from SN 04.23.2017
Anticipating Things to Come
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Charles Lawson 09/05/2021 (SM) Genesis 3:20-21 From Types That the Lord has Given Us and From the Traditional Custom of Jewish Weddings, We Can Come to Appreciate the Uniquely Personal and Intimate Relationship That Christ Jesus Has With His Bride, the Church and a Sketch of How Future Events Will Unfold.

Report on Missions in Haiti Mesg: Stand, Don't Sit
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Tom Berry 09/05/2021 (SN) II Timothy 3:1-8, 13 Disturbing Times We Live In. America Has Changed Direction and Now Is Opposite From God. The Church Ought Not to Be Sitting, Taking the Low Position, But Rather--Stand! See! Ask! ...Are YOU a 'Possum Christian? or a Chipmunk Christian?

August 2021

The God of the Living
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Charles Lawson 08/29/2021 (SM) Exodus 3:1-6 The Lord Told Moses to Tell the People That It Was "I Am" That Sent Him. "I Am": the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob--the God of the Living. You Must Let God Guide You in Your Approach to Him.
Jacob Foretells and Blesses His Sons
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Charles Lawson 08/29/2021 (SN) Genesis 49:1-4

Jacob, the Last of the Patriarchs, Is the Ending of One Thing and the Start of Another. His Number Four Son, Judah, Is of the Messiah's Kingly Genealogy; But Jacob's Favored Son, Joseph, Is of the Spiritual Genealogy of Christ--the Shepherd of Israel and the Stone [Rock] of Israel (the Leader and the Foundation/Anchor).
Also, a Sidebar: In Response the Rumors That the MRNA Vaccines Can Change the Very Coding of Your Body So That You Are No Longer Human. PL's Salient Point: "Your Body Does Not Determine What You Are. Your Spirit Determines What You Are, and No Vaccine Can Change That."

The Unpardonable Sin
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Charles Lawson 08/22/2021 (SM) Matthew 12:14 Ascribing the Works of the Holy Spirit to Satan is the Unpardonable Sin Which the Pharisees Committed. Likewise, Resisting the Drawing of the Holy Spirit is the Unpardonable Sin for Anyone in This Age of Grace. Notes on the Circumstances Under Which Christ Switched From Preaching Openly to Parables, and the Example of Christ's (as the Servant of God) Dealing With a Bruised Reed/Smoking Flax.
Christ Our Redeemer
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Charles Lawson 08/22/2021 (SN) Isaiah 61:1-3 Christ Buys Us Back, Redeems Us: From Slavery to Sin; From the Curse of the Law; From Empty Religion; From the Power of Satan, of Darkness; From the Coming Judgment; and From Death. This Physical World Is Coming Apart. Take Hold of Spiritual Truth: Be Hid in Christ Jesus.
Watershed Event
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Charles Lawson 08/15/2021 (SM) Matthew 12:14 When the Sadducees and Pharisees Took Council Together and Officially Rejected Christ, That was a Watershed Event. It Bears Looking at What Transpired Beforehand and What Occurred Afterward. Afterward, Jesus Began to Teach in Parables. We Are Given to Understand the Meaning (to Both the Nation of Israel and to the Individual Soul) of the Parable Jesus Told of the Unclean Spirit Leaving a Man's House Then Returning with Seven More Worse than Himself.
Lift Up the Lord Jesus Christ
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Charles Lawson 08/15/2021 (SN) John 12:32-33 Jesus Spoke of Himself Being Lifted Up, and by That He Signified What Death He Should Die. Jewish Leaders and Some of the Mob, However, Harbored Their Hang Ups and Rationalizations for Not Acknowledging Jesus as God nor as Sent (nor Even as Good). But Jesus Himself and Scripture and Those to Whom It Is Revealed Declare It.
Waiting Upon The Lord
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Keith Allison 08/08/2021 (SM) Isaiah 40:26-31 Exegesis of the 40th Chapter of Isaiah: Three Aspects of God (God Is Great, God Is Governor, and God Is Gracious) Help Us to Fulfill Our Personal Responsibility to Wait Upon the Lord. A Deeper and Broader Understanding of the Word "Wait."
A Servant's Consistency
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Keith Allison 08/08/2021 (SN) Revelation 1:9-11 An Encouragement to Older Saints, a Challenge to Younger: Outline of Reasons That [John, or We] Can Be Consistent and a List of Principles to Get/Keep One Consistent. "God Works For Us, In Us, and Through Us." Closing Prayer That We Be Faithful (Consistent) Till He Comes.
The Purpose of the Vine
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Charles Lawson 08/01/2021 (SM) Hosea 1:1-2 When the Priest Would Not Teach the People, God Anointed Prophets Which Were Called, Had a Message, and Had to Feel For the People. Even Jesus as a Prophet Did All That He Did by the Power of God. Indeed, Only the Spirit of the Word Can Bring Life; Else Wise it is a Dead Work. The Topic of the Vine Through Scripture and the Summation--the Only Thing the Vine is Good For is to Bring Forth Fruit.
Four Pictures of The Branch
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Charles Lawson 08/01/2021 (SN)

Jeremiah 23:5-8
Zechariah 3:8
Zechariah 6:12
Isaiah 4:2

Different Prophecies in the Old Testament Declare The Branch Is the Righteous King; the Servant of the Lord; the Man; and Of the Lord, Beautiful and Glorious. (Marvelously,) Each of These Correlates to a Perspective of One of the Four Gospels. The Branches [Us] in Romans 16--the Natural Branches and the Grafted-in Branches. List of Just Four of the Fruits That Jesus Christ Bore When He Died on the Cross and Rose Again.

July 2021

* * * REVIVAL AT TEMPLE BAPTIST CHURCH ........... July 25 - 28, 2021: Sunday Night - Wednesday Night * * *
Revival, Day 1
The Devil Is a Liar and Seeketh to Devour

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Mike Sage 07/25/2021 (SN) I Peter 5:5-9 The Devil Is Going to Come After Our Faith Because Faith Is the Only Way That We Can Please God and the Only Way That We Can Come to God. When We Are Fearful It Is Because We Have Lost Our Faith. Regarding the Devil: We Know His Domain, His Devices, His Deceptions; and We Know That He Is Defeated.
Revival, Day 2
The Thread of Truth

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Mike Sage 07/26/2021 (Mon) Genesis 38:27-30
Romans 5:17-21
The Truth Will Win Out, the Truth Will Be Told: Exemplified in Genesis 38 by Both the Story of Judah and His Dealings With His Daughter-in-Law, Tamar; and the Account of the Birth of Tamar's Twin Sons (--Which Also Illustrates the True Order of the First Adam and the Last Adam). Also, Exhortation to "Stand," and What That Really Means.
Revival, Day 3
The Tingles and the Thunder

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Mike Sage 07/27/2021 (Tue) I Samuel 3:11
I Samuel 7:10
In the Early Chapters of First Samuel, There Are Occasions for Some "Tingles" of Hope and Anticipation, Even Where the Priest Had Become Bound, Then Blind; and the People Were Steeped in Sin and Presumption. But Later and Under the Godly Leadership of Samuel, the People Prayed and Repented and --Thunder! The Power of God!--Israel Blessed Again.
Revival, Day 4
The Distinct Difference of Divine Deliverance

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Mike Sage 07/28/2021 (Wed) Numbers 13:33 Don't Follow God Partially - Follow Fully, Faithfully and Fearlessly. Joshua and Caleb Had a Distinct Difference in Their Spirit as They Were Wholly Sanctified. Stand With Him and He Will Stand With Us. We Are of the Word, Not of the World. He Will Bring Us All the Way Through.
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Charles Lawson 07/25/2021 (SM) Revelation 19:11-16 Closer Look at the Theme of Judgment in the Book of Revelation and How so Much of What we See With Rampant Sin and Godless Spirits and the Ongoing Covid Epidemic(s) Attended by Increased Controls Is an Obvious Prelude to the Judgments in the Tribulation.
Revival, Day 1
The Devil Is a Liar and Seeketh to Devour

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Mike Sage 07/25/2021 (SN) I Peter 5:5-9

The Devil Is Going to Come After Our Faith Because Faith Is the Only Way That We Can Please God and the Only Way That We Can Come to God. When We Are Fearful It Is Because We Have Lost Our Faith. Regarding the Devil: We Know His Domain, His Devices, His Deceptions; and We Know That He Is Defeated.
************************* See All Revival Messages Listed Above **************************

Our Foundation Is the Home
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Charles Lawson 07/18/2021 (SM) Genesis 11:30
Genesis 18:10-15
Satan is Destroying America, But Our Foundation Is Built Upon the Home. Our Families Matter the Most. Mothers Nurture and Teach Their Children Faith, God's Promises, Praying and Trust. Our Children Are Important. Dedicate Yourself Back To What Really Matters.
God--Not Found Without Faith
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Charles Lawson 07/18/2021 (SN) Hebrews 11:1-6 "He That Cometh to the Lord Must Believe That He Is, and That He Is a Rewarder of Them That Diligently Seek Him." Come to God Based on Who He Is. You're Coming to a Person, Not an Abstract or Idealism. Come to God Because of His Integrity and His Longsuffering; Come to Him Wholeheartedly, Sincerely--Come Hungry.
Joyful Christian
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Milton Taylor 07/11/2021 (SM) Luke 1:39-47 Mary Had Five Reasons to be Joyful: the Joy of Salvation, the Joy of Surrender, the Joy of Sharing, the Joy of the Scriptures, the Joy of the Spirit. We Can Have the Same Reasons to be Joyful.
The Ministry of the Thorn
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Milton Taylor 07/11/2021 (SN) II Corinthians 12:1, 7-10 Unlike Ministries Given to the Church for Others' Benefit, the Ministry of the Thorn Is Given to You and Me; Given to Us to Keep Us From Sin. Seven Thoughts on Paul Relative to the Thorn (Given to Him from God): Paul's Privilege, Peril, Pain, Prayer, Provision, Praise, and Pleasure.
Commended By God
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Charles Lawson 07/04/2021 (SM) Matthew 8:5-10 Jesus Commended the Centurion For His Faith; Nathaniel For His Sincerity; Mary For Her Devotion, the Leper For Seeking to Learn More; and Other Individuals. Short List of Men Who Accepted the Invitation of Scripture to "Come and See [About Christ]," Such as Lee Strobel, Were Converted From Atheism to Christianity.
America Needs the Truth
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John Beck 07/04/2021 (SN) Psalms 9:17 Our Nation and the Wicked Shall be Turned to Hell If We Reject God. God's Word is Truth and the Lord Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He Guides and Directs Us Through His Truth. The Truth Shall Make You Free. Don't Stray From the Truth and be Miserable.

June 2021

God Sends Warnings
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Charles Lawson 06/27/2021 (SM) Daniel 2:31-35 Observations of Events and Reactions Over the Past 15 Months Lend Themselves to a Realistic Projection of the Scenario Where Even the Very Elect Could be Deceived (Manipulated and Coerced). We Ought to Remember Hadassah Who Said Perhaps We are Come to This Place For Such a Time as This; if We Perish; We Perish. Don't Look Around Too Much But Hold Fast That Christ Will Come For Those Who Look For His Appearing.
When God Shuts the Door
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Charles Lawson 06/27/2021 (SN) Genesis 6:5-9 God's Primary Concern Regarding the People in Antediluvian Times Was Their Admixture with the Fallen Angels.We Know That God Preserved Humanity By Carrying Noah From One World Into Another. Now, In These Last Days ("As In the Days of Noah"), We May Well Be Facing More Trouble Because of Recombinant DNA. And This Age of Grace--When We Can Still Run to God and Be Freely Admitted--Will End Abruptly When God Shuts the Door.
Father Abraham
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Charles Lawson 06/20/2021 (SM) Genesis 12:1-4 God Called Abram Out of Darkness, and Abraham ("High Father") is the Father of Nations, of the Faithful, of All That Believe. Three Times Called the Friend of God: Abraham Fully Trusted in the Character of God. It Is Up to the Father to Teach His Children About God and, Conversely, About the Perversions Rampant in Our Culture [i.e., Gay "Pride"?! and the Totally Relativistic "Woke" Crowd].
The Bontrager Family Live
No Recording. Tech Trouble, No Line Feed (No Audio)
Marlin Bontrager 06/20/2021 (SN)  
The Amazing Work of God
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Randy Bane 06/13/2021 (SM) Habakkuk 1:5 What God Did in the Life of Manasseh in a Time of Political and Moral and Spiritual Corruption so Similar to Our Culture Today.
Living By Faith
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Randy Bane 06/13/2021 (SN) Habakkuk 1:1 The Prophet Starts Out Worried and Burdened, But the Answer That the Lord Gave Him -- "The Just Shall Live By Faith" -- Refocuses His Attention to the Faithfulness and Strength and Blessings of the Lord God Almighty.
Working Hard to Get to Hell
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John Beck 06/06/2021 (SM) Matthew 7:21-23 Not Everyone Will Enter Into the Kingdom of Heaven. Our Own Works Will Not Get Us Into Heaven. Salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ Comes First. Let God Take Over in Your Life - No Matter What You Have Done. Receive Him Into Your Heart.
Lift Up the Beloved
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Tom Berry 06/06/2021 (SN) Psalms 148:1-14 The Church of God Needs to be Praising the Lord. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ and Those Blinded by Sin Will Have Their Eyes Opened to His Saving Grace. Leave the World Behind Before We Come Into the Church and Take the Lord Jesus Into the World. Choose the Beloved and Praise Him to the End.

May 2021

The Steps to Maturity
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Charles Lawson 05/30/2021 (SM) II Peter 1:1-4 Laid Out For Us How We Can Build Upon Faith and Grow in the Lord. Or Those That Turn From Christ Instead Where Never Saved and Are Lost--Their Later End Worst Than Their Beginning.
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Dan Ferrell 05/30/2021 (SN) Luke 22:39-46 You Cannot Have a Calvary Unless You Have a Gethsemane. The Lord Jesus Suffered Mental and Merciful Anguish Deep in His Soul for Us With Caring, Loving Compassion. The Lord Jesus Also Mastered Anguish Through Bringing God the Father and Us Together.
What Manner of Man?
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Charles Lawson 05/23/2021 (SM) Matthew 8:26-27 Although to Just Look at Him, Folks Couldn't Tell a Difference, Yet This Man Jesus Spoke with Authority; He Quelled the Storm, Commanded Demons, Healed the Body, Defied the Laws of Physics, and Reached to Save One Who Was Sinking Down.
We've Come Too Far To Turn Back Now
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Eric Nafziger 05/23/2021 (SN) II Thessalonians 2:3 Bible Message of Frank, Unvarnished Admonitions to Finish Well, Be Patient, Hold Fast, Endure, Faint Not, and Continue to the End.

The Divine Daysman
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Cody Shew

05/16/2021 (SM) Job 9:33 Three Times in the Lives of Christians That the Lord Jesus Christ Mediates For Us: in Salvation, in the Lives of the Saints of God, and in Struggles.

Trusting in Tribulation
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Cody Shew

05/16/2021 (SN) Job 13:15 "Job Was a Man of Great Suffering and of Great Integrity." "When You Cannot Trace the Lord, You Can Still Trust Him." Three Things Exemplify Job's Trust ["Dependency"] in the Lord: His Worship (Even in Times of Trouble), His Words (in Not Speaking as an Infidel), and His Walk (Continuing to Do What Right Things He Knew to Do).

A Mother's Love
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Charles Lawson

05/09/2021 (SM) II Timothy 3:15 The Story of Micah and David and the Indisputable Power of Love in Marriage and Family.

The Red Carpet Treatment
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Barry McDonald

05/09/2021 (SN) Psalm 22:1-14
Isiah 63:1-3
Expounding Upon the Scripture That Speaks of Jesus and Reads "I Am a Worm." All About the Crimson Grub, the Original Source of the Red Dye Reserved for Priest and Royalty.

Finding Forgiveness
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Charles Lawson

05/02/2021 (SM) Luke 7:36-38 The Only Way to Lift the Stain of War (For Instance) is to Give it to God. This Culture of Ours is Losing Reverence For God and Value For Human Life. Constant Encouragement to Pray So As to Touch God and To Have a Touch From Him.

From Believing That There Is a God to Knowing Him Face to Face
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John Beck

05/02/2021 (SN) Hebrews 11:1, 6 The Whole Account of Jacob's Life: Jacob Set a Lot of Conditions on Trusting God at His First Encounter When God Made a Lot of Promises to Him. God Came Through on Everything and, at the Second Encounter, Jacob Wouldn't Let Go Until God Blessed Him. And God Also Renamed Him--No Longer the Usurper (the Trickster) But a Prince with God.

April 2021

The Right Response
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Chad Oody

04/25/2021 (SM) Daniel 6:10-16 Exhortation to Exhibit the Excellent Spirit, Different Look, and the Right Response in Whatever Our Circumstances, Even as Daniel Was Serving the Lord in Babylon.

The Potter And The Clay
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Chad Oody

04/25/2021 (SN)

Jeremiah 18:1-6 Instructions to the Clay On Staying Centered in the Middle of the Potter's Wheel to Become a Vessel of Honor

To Someone Who Knows Nothing of the New Testament
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Charles Lawson

04/18/2021 (SM) Romans 10: 10-13 "Whosoever Will" Is Invited to Call Upon the Lord. The New Testament (Indeed, the Whole Bible) Is All About Jesus Christ, and Salvation Is NOT a Matter of What You Know or Ask or Say, But Whom You Call Upon. Examples of the Power of the Voice of Jesus and a Quick List of the Foundational Doctrines of the Lord.

Great Is the Mystery of Godliness
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Charles Lawson

04/18/2021 (SN) I Timothy 3:14-16 "Mystery of Godliness" (Set in Contradistinction to the Mystery of Iniquity) Expounded: Jesus Is God (Always Has Been), But Though There Are Three Beings--There Is But One God! Jesus Was Manifest in the Flesh, Justified in the Spirit (God Speaking from Heaven Three Times), Seen of Angels, Preached to the Gentiles, Believed on in the World, and Received Up Into Glory.

How Beautiful
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Dean McNeese

04/11/2021 (SM) Song of Solomon 7:1 Worship in Song and Prayer, Communing With Our Lord. Evangelist Tells of a Surprising Shift in Emphasis From "Saving Those Closest to Hell" to "Saving Those Closest to Heaven."

More Song and Prayer
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Dean McNeese

04/11/2021 (SN) "They Whipped Him Up the Hill"; and from "Amazing Grace" to "How Beautiful Heaven Must Be"

Christ Crucified
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Charles Lawson

04/04/2021 (SM) Matthew 26:1-5 Beginning With the Passover and On Through All the Feasts of Israel, God Shows Us Also a Timeline For His Church. Special Consideration Is Given to Certain Details Surrounding the Crucifixion, and This Caveat Is Also Given--You're Gonna Make a Choice: Every Time You Hear the Word of God, You Make a Choice.

What Does the Cross and Easter Mean to You?
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Tom Berry

04/04/2021 (SN) Colossians 2:10 A Special Day, Easter Is, But What It Means Is Constant Because (In Summary) the Cross Means Jesus and, "Complete in Him" Is All the Love and Stability and Promise (and More) That Easter Means.

March 2021

The End of Jacob's Days
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Charles Lawson

03/28/2021 (SM) Genesis 48:15-16 Israel, At the End of His Life (So Different From His Beginnings) Extols the Mercies of God His Redeemer and Pronounces Blessings and Prophecies Upon His Sons.
The Fundamental Top 500